
Opinions Are Like…

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    EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

      In my line of work I run into a lot of people, sometimes people with strong opinions. In this video I talk about that a little bit. What are your thoughts on ‘opinions’?

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    • #625859
      Rich BayerRich Bayer

        I “may” be one of these people but my girlfriend tells me I’m paranoid and I think too much.. But anyway.. I’ve gotten into arguments with people about things that I’ve done a great deal of research about and my arguments/views are based on facts and Logic… Am I wrong for arguing like that or do I just have that strong personality?

        The one thing that is sure to anger me is when people don’t think logically, though.

        EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

          [quote=”Bayer-Z28″ post=109623]I “may” be one of these people but my girlfriend tells me I’m paranoid and I think too much.. But anyway.. I’ve gotten into arguments with people about things that I’ve done a great deal of research about and my arguments/views are based on facts and Logic… Am I wrong for arguing like that or do I just have that strong personality?

          The one thing that is sure to anger me is when people don’t think logically, though.[/quote]

          I wouldn’t worry if you can’t change someone’s opinion. If you’re happy with yours, it really shouldn’t matter what other people think. Sometimes you have to pick your battles. The louder you yell, the less credibility you’ll have.


            [quote=”EricTheCarGuy” post=109347]

            On the topic of spark plugs. I’ve recently found this that you might find interesting.


            Thanks for your contributions to the forum. I for one, really appreciate them.[/quote]

            so don’t even use motor oil? wow thats cool didn’t think about that, good thinking on NGKs part, i wonder if AC Delco is doing the same thing with there plugs, does this mean not to use motor oil too?


              [quote=”EricTheCarGuy” post=109343]

              This is probably the truest statement ever made. Honestly though, once you put yourself out there on the internet, everything you do is wrong in some way. :)[/quote]

              and this is why i removed all my videos from youtube… because people always are over opinionated and everything you say is wrong. 🙂

              Lorrin BarthLorrin Barth

                I used to work as a programmer. My brother-in-law was also a programmer. He was way better than I. His code was eloquent but mine was easy to understand and fix. So, who was right? Well, the user didn’t know the difference.

                So, say I’m watching some car repair video on youtube and the person doing the repair is doing it wrong or at least making it hard on themselves. So what, that is enjoyable. And sure, someone in the comments will tell them that they were doing it all wrong.

                I’ve been answering questions on car forums for 22 years. In that time I’ve been told I was wrong and often I was. I’m just happy that someone came along knowing the correct answer. Maybe my ignorant rely was what triggered them to write. It is sometimes amazing the knowledge you can pull out of the woods by being stupid.

                Anyway, I think you need to see it this way. You put something up for other people to see and criticize. Then you have a dialog. Maybe both parties learn something. The dialog is what is important. Enjoy it.

                Bryan CarterBryan Carter

                  [quote=”barneyb” post=109749]You put something up for other people to see and criticize. Then you have a dialog. Maybe both parties learn something. The dialog is what is important. Enjoy it.[/quote]

                  I completely agree. I’ve reached the point in my life that I really don’t care “what” someone believes, it’s the “how” and “why” that are important. When someone holds an opinion that is diametrically opposed to my own, the questions I ask myself are “Do they know something I don’t? Do they have some firsthand experience that I haven’t had?” Often finding out the answers to those questions will take you to heart of where the disagreement lies.

                  I’m also sure to remember that if I say “black” and my detractor says “white”… though it’s impossible for both of us to be right, it is very possible for both of us to be completely wrong.


                    I stopped reading the comments section on news sites, YouTube, etc. because they often were not insightful, beneficial, etc. (and sometimes downright vicious) – often I was left thinking “sometimes to not be human is a source of inner pride”. There was a literal Red vs Blue argument over an article about the Lemon Law – a red car owner had problems with the car, was offered a blue car under the law, and then sued the dealer because the color of the replacement was not acceptable.

                    One thing I noticed is that my opinions have changed over time. New information, new experiences, a well-versed alternate perspective, or the realization of increased the complexity of the world caused me to re-evaluate my position on a specific topic.

                    [quote=”McWicked” post=109775]
                    The optimist will tell you the glass is half-full. The pessimist will tell you the glass is half-empty. The engineer will tell you the glass is twice as big as it needs to be. [/quote]

                    The scientist will tell you the glass is full – half with water, the other half with air. (I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist with this topic).

                    Bryan CarterBryan Carter

                      [quote=”Hanneman” post=109839]The scientist will tell you the glass is full – half with water, the other half with air. (I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist with this topic).[/quote]
                      LOL. That doesn’t sound like the scientists I work with, they sound like “From here it appears the crystalline vessel is partially filled with some sort of colorless liquid. If only we could get a look at it from the other side…”

                      Lorrin BarthLorrin Barth

                        [quote=”McWicked” post=109775]I’m also sure to remember that if I say “black” and my detractor says “white”… though it’s impossible for both of us to be right, it is very possible for both of us to be completely wrong.[/quote]

                        I once suggested to someone writing this forum with ignition switch problems to spray in WD40. I’ve used it for years and never a problem. Eric wrote – never use WD40 in a lock because it attracts dust. This is true. On the other hand, when I use powdered graphite, the usual suggestion, I end up with most of it on me. I consider it powdered filth.

                        I suppose one possible solution, neither black nor white (pun intended), is silicon spray. It doesn’t attract much dust and is at least a lubricant if not always an impressive one. But for something that will instantly free up a stuck tumbler, not attract dust and not make a mess, that’s a product I’m still waiting to hear about but I’m guessing it does exist. Anyone?

                        EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

                          [quote=”barneyb” post=109853][quote=”McWicked” post=109775]I’m also sure to remember that if I say “black” and my detractor says “white”… though it’s impossible for both of us to be right, it is very possible for both of us to be completely wrong.[/quote]

                          I once suggested to someone writing this forum with ignition switch problems to spray in WD40. I’ve used it for years and never a problem. Eric wrote – never use WD40 in a lock because it attracts dust. This is true. On the other hand, when I use powdered graphite, the usual suggestion, I end up with most of it on me. I consider it powdered filth.

                          I suppose one possible solution, neither black nor white (pun intended), is silicon spray. It doesn’t attract much dust and is at least a lubricant if not always an impressive one. But for something that will instantly free up a stuck tumbler, not attract dust and not make a mess, that’s a product I’m still waiting to hear about but I’m guessing it does exist. Anyone?[/quote]

                          It is true that graphite can be messy but I was taught by a locksmith that it is the best lubricant for locks. With liquid lubricants the dirt it attracts can gum up the inside of the lock whereas graphite doesn’t do that. I used to use penetrants myself before switching to graphite and found that not only was the graphite more effective, but the fix lasted much longer and didn’t cause other issues. They make a special applicator just for lock lubrication. With a little practice, it’s not as messy.

                          Were you wrong in using penetrants? No, I just believe that graphite is more effective and was trying to share that knowledge.


                            [quote=”Hanneman” post=109839]I stopped reading the comments section on news sites, YouTube, etc. because they often were not insightful, beneficial, etc. (and sometimes downright vicious) – often I was left thinking “sometimes to not be human is a source of inner pride”.[/quote]


                            I do read the comments in the comment section, but rarely take them seriously, people on youtube just seem so ignorant, i think its probably because the internet is full of kids between the ages of 12-18 :dry: , They think they know the answers too everything in life and science and aerodynamics and physics and blablablabla… bla, they think they know it all, however they don’t know how to voice a opinion for there life, they are filled with angst and pride, and don’t know how to go “you know what man you are right and i was wrong.” or say “i agree to disagree man, we just don’t see things eye to eye and our opinions differ, lets shake hands and move on.” the typical response is “your spelling sucks.” or “shut up noob, you’re a f$%@#% idiot!” there isn’t anything constructive they have to say, once in a while i will chime in a intelligent but gentle comment without insult or with little insult that often leaves them dumbfounded without response or simply throws them so far off because they don’t know how too respond, they don’t expect a intelligent response they expect someone too lob back the same shell they lobbed at me or someone ells.

                            just another example of opinions are like (insert creative word here) they just happened to eat a bean burrito with onions a few hours earlier. 😆

                            Lorrin BarthLorrin Barth

                              [quote=”EricTheCarGuy” post=109863]

                              It is true that graphite can be messy but I was taught by a locksmith that it is the best lubricant for locks. With liquid lubricants the dirt it attracts can gum up the inside of the lock whereas graphite doesn’t do that. I used to use penetrants myself before switching to graphite and found that not only was the graphite more effective, but the fix lasted much longer and didn’t cause other issues. They make a special applicator just for lock lubrication. With a little practice, it’s not as messy.

                              Were you wrong in using penetrants? No, I just believe that graphite is more effective and was trying to share that knowledge.[/quote]

                              This reminds me of a story . . . .

                              I once worked at this research station. A better description of it would be a 19,000 acre government run ranch. They had cowboys (I always wondered if cowboy was an actual Federal job description). While I was there they made a ruling that cowboys could no longer ride their steeds up to the main building. I guess management thought road apples in the drive unprofessional.

                              Cowboys would get a car from the motor pool and use it to herd cattle or as we said, chase bulls. Next, I’d get in the vehicle and look down to see the dash gauges a third full of dirt.

                              In a nice clean car I hate to mess with graphite inside especially if the car isn’t mine. But, not all cars are nice, clean or dust free.

                              Joeseph MamaJoeseph Mama

                                Q: If opinions are like _ _ _ holes, does this imply that _ _ _ holes are like opinions…

                                Bryan CarterBryan Carter

                                  [quote=”Ratchet Face” post=110024]Q: If opinions are like _ _ _ holes, does this imply that _ _ _ holes are like opinions…[/quote]
                                  A: No. I may often be interested in hearing someone’s opinion, but I am never interested in hearing someone’s _ _ _ hole.

                                  Joeseph MamaJoeseph Mama

                                    I may often be interested in hearing someone’s opinion, but I am never interested in hearing someone’s _ _ _ hole.

                                    so does this make the relationship between opinions and _ _ _ holes mutually exclusive..? (i.e. you can have an opinion, you can have an _ _ _ hole, but you can’t have an opinion and an _ _ _hole)

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