
Opinions Are Like…

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    EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

      In my line of work I run into a lot of people, sometimes people with strong opinions. In this video I talk about that a little bit. What are your thoughts on ‘opinions’?

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    • #624844
      Petr MiskerikPetr Miskerik

        :), nice topic,
        I add:

        Bryan CarterBryan Carter

          There’s a certain magic to the universe that manifests itself in unusual ways. As an example, if you use a welder, torque wrench, or soldering iron in a video… you’ll be told you’re doing it wrong. Fact.

          Joeseph MamaJoeseph Mama

            “If you don’t agree with me you are wrong.”

            -Adolph Hitler



              What video/event in video triggered this? I would like to watch it and read those comments.

              A toyotakarlIts me

                IMHO strong opinions are tied to pride and belief… Changing a belief can be difficult, especially if it rooted in religion, values or morals…. Those are debatable and hotly contested to this day (and probably pretty much throughout humankind’s time on Earth)… (I don’t want to make this political, so we’ll leave this lie)…

                I suppose I can have a very strong opinion, and back on topic is with what I will put up a stiff backbone to…. Science.. Proven and known laws that get forgotten, or are over-run by wives tales and ignorance…

                Ignorance continues…An example: The other day I was in a gas station and was told by two attendants that they really believed the drinking age was going up to the age of 25 in the United States…. I kindly informed them to do a little more checking on the internet to find out that this is an internet joke, a myth… But word has passed around so much that two grown adults (one probably in his 30’s and the other in her mid 20’s actually really believed it)…

                Things that can be proven, not snake oil remedies that are constantly concocted with our daily dose of “how to lose weight” and what is really healthy for you to the constant bickering on BITOG about which oil is better that what (ARRRGH)…. I remember when a bran muffin was the end all be all for a long life and heart health, I remember when Sugar was the sole reason people were fat, I remember when the Earth was supposed to be headed for the next ice age… What do we really know??? Some, but not all (I admit that as well)…

                Truly if you think about it, in a society, the few people who “move the ball forward” are scientists, engineers and explorers…. The rest of us are busy living our lives and “maintaining” so to speak the way things are… For example, VVT-I has brought a change in engineering of engines and greater fuel economy and performance… I could never design such a system, but I can fix one…

                So when I know something is a scientific fact, and someone still believes in these superstition, wives tales or whatever you want to call them, I can get flustered. I try once to convince them generally, if they refuse to see the light, then they can live their lives in ignorance… at least I tried…

                And if someone wants to change my opinion… Give me concrete proof… Not how you “feel”, but what really happened… Show me Bigfoot, show me a ghost, show me, prove it to me… Use facts, not feelings….

                As always this is Just My Humble Opinion (JMHO)


                Bryan CarterBryan Carter

                  I think Karl pretty much knocked it out of the park. I think the most difficult (yet rewarding) thing you can ever do in life is learn to accept reality on reality’s terms. Try to understand the world for the way it really is, instead of trying to shoehorn the world into your fantasy.


                    this may be long winded so buckle your seatbelts, i tend to be somewhat opinionated at times, but i don’ always like to make my opinions “god.” and what i mean buy this is when someone has an opinion it is a opinion and not a fact, they have the right too there opinion, but once someone shoves that opinion on you like its a fact than they are doing ๐Ÿ™‚ it wrong in my opinion ๐Ÿ™‚ . HOWEVER! it is now up to you to be the adult and realize they are shoving the opinion on you, you are obviously throwing your pearls too swine arguing with this guy, leave the guy alone walk away and avoid a argument.

                    was hanging out with a friend not too long ago, we where talking about the brand new Ford F-150 and how its going to be some 700LBS lighter or so, and this guy was talking about how that would be a bad idea because it would reduce breaking performance, I ask why and he states “well the weight presses the vehicle more into the snow.” and i disagreed with his statement and began too explain inertia, and how mass effects it and if you have trouble getting traction in snow there are these things called snow tires, and how in this case a lighter vehicle could stop sooner. …and then he started going on and on about all this bullcrap that made no sense, i noted i am very educated in cars and he is not, i noted that i am sober and he is drunk off his backside, with that i left him to believe whatever he wanted, my friend however was hoping i was going to call out his bull$H@t for a good laugh but i looked above that and let him believe whatever he wants.

                    now i have noticed on this forum here people have there opinions, but what i like about this forum is no one seems too force there opinions on others, we once descussed motor oil, i descussed Royal purple and how i liked it, then barneyb discussed Amsoil and a few other brands of oil like certain racing oils, and when i did my research i came too find that it in fact may have better characteristics than royal purple does, so that opened my eyes to a new avinue. i once discussed something along the lines of spark plugs, i was always taught in school never to put antiseeze on spark plug threads instead use motor oil, well come too find out from everyone on here all that time i may have been told that because there where a lot of un experienced kids in my class that didn’t know how to use antiseeze (yes there are kids that didn’t know how to use antiseeze.) so they just had us use motor oil, now that i think about it if done correctly antiseeze would work much better than motor oil but you must use it correctly.

                    i shared some of my ideas on this forum such as my idea for a supercharger not to long ago, its a idea, it may not even work, i like how we can simply discuss… “well i think this seems too complex seems like a twin screw blower or a turbo would be much simpler buy what i see, and i can say no it only has one moving part its very simple… this is a fresh change from, “Get off my forum, your ideas are stupid, you’re a f$#^!ng idiot!” its like how do you even know my ideas won’t work, they haven’t even been put into concept too find out lol! but here i don’t see that you are free to express your ideas and opinions, and others do to, its all about both parties having there eyes open too the possibilities.

                    EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

                      [quote=”rushlife” post=109204]:), nice topic,
                      I add:

                      Love it!

                      One of my all time favorite movies.

                      EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

                        [quote=”McWicked” post=109218]There’s a certain magic to the universe that manifests itself in unusual ways. As an example, if you use a welder, torque wrench, or soldering iron in a video… you’ll be told you’re doing it wrong. Fact.[/quote]

                        This is probably the truest statement ever made. Honestly though, once you put yourself out there on the internet, everything you do is wrong in some way. ๐Ÿ™‚

                        EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

                          [quote=”Ratchet Face” post=109219]”If you don’t agree with me you are wrong.”

                          -Adolph Hitler


                          An extreme example but on topic.

                          EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

                            [quote=”SpawnedX” post=109236]What video/event in video triggered this? I would like to watch it and read those comments.[/quote]

                            None of the above. Just a general observation.

                            EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

                              [quote=”ToyotaKarl” post=109293]IMHO strong opinions are tied to pride and belief… Changing a belief can be difficult, especially if it rooted in religion, values or morals…. Those are debatable and hotly contested to this day (and probably pretty much throughout humankind’s time on Earth)… (I don’t want to make this political, so we’ll leave this lie)…

                              I suppose I can have a very strong opinion, and back on topic is with what I will put up a stiff backbone to…. Science.. Proven and known laws that get forgotten, or are over-run by wives tales and ignorance…

                              Ignorance continues…An example: The other day I was in a gas station and was told by two attendants that they really believed the drinking age was going up to the age of 25 in the United States…. I kindly informed them to do a little more checking on the internet to find out that this is an internet joke, a myth… But word has passed around so much that two grown adults (one probably in his 30’s and the other in her mid 20’s actually really believed it)…

                              Things that can be proven, not snake oil remedies that are constantly concocted with our daily dose of “how to lose weight” and what is really healthy for you to the constant bickering on BITOG about which oil is better that what (ARRRGH)…. I remember when a bran muffin was the end all be all for a long life and heart health, I remember when Sugar was the sole reason people were fat, I remember when the Earth was supposed to be headed for the next ice age… What do we really know??? Some, but not all (I admit that as well)…

                              Truly if you think about it, in a society, the few people who “move the ball forward” are scientists, engineers and explorers…. The rest of us are busy living our lives and “maintaining” so to speak the way things are… For example, VVT-I has brought a change in engineering of engines and greater fuel economy and performance… I could never design such a system, but I can fix one…

                              So when I know something is a scientific fact, and someone still believes in these superstition, wives tales or whatever you want to call them, I can get flustered. I try once to convince them generally, if they refuse to see the light, then they can live their lives in ignorance… at least I tried…

                              And if someone wants to change my opinion… Give me concrete proof… Not how you “feel”, but what really happened… Show me Bigfoot, show me a ghost, show me, prove it to me… Use facts, not feelings….

                              As always this is Just My Humble Opinion (JMHO)


                              You obviously grasped the concept of the video. I couldn’t have put it better myself.

                              EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

                                [quote=”13aceofspades13″ post=109331]this may be long winded so buckle your seatbelts, i tend to be somewhat opinionated at times, but i don’ always like to make my opinions “god.” and what i mean buy this is when someone has an opinion it is a opinion and not a fact, they have the right too there opinion, but once someone shoves that opinion on you like its a fact than they are doing ๐Ÿ™‚ it wrong in my opinion ๐Ÿ™‚ . HOWEVER! it is now up to you to be the adult and realize they are shoving the opinion on you, you are obviously throwing your pearls too swine arguing with this guy, leave the guy alone walk away and avoid a argument.

                                was hanging out with a friend not too long ago, we where talking about the brand new Ford F-150 and how its going to be some 700LBS lighter or so, and this guy was talking about how that would be a bad idea because it would reduce breaking performance, I ask why and he states “well the weight presses the vehicle more into the snow.” and i disagreed with his statement and began too explain inertia, and how mass effects it and if you have trouble getting traction in snow there are these things called snow tires, and how in this case a lighter vehicle could stop sooner. …and then he started going on and on about all this bullcrap that made no sense, i noted i am very educated in cars and he is not, i noted that i am sober and he is drunk off his backside, with that i left him to believe whatever he wanted, my friend however was hoping i was going to call out his bull$H@t for a good laugh but i looked above that and let him believe whatever he wants.

                                now i have noticed on this forum here people have there opinions, but what i like about this forum is no one seems too force there opinions on others, we once descussed motor oil, i descussed Royal purple and how i liked it, then barneyb discussed Amsoil and a few other brands of oil like certain racing oils, and when i did my research i came too find that it in fact may have better characteristics than royal purple does, so that opened my eyes to a new avinue. i once discussed something along the lines of spark plugs, i was always taught in school never to put antiseeze on spark plug threads instead use motor oil, well come too find out from everyone on here all that time i may have been told that because there where a lot of un experienced kids in my class that didn’t know how to use antiseeze (yes there are kids that didn’t know how to use antiseeze.) so they just had us use motor oil, now that i think about it if done correctly antiseeze would work much better than motor oil but you must use it correctly.

                                i shared some of my ideas on this forum such as my idea for a supercharger not to long ago, its a idea, it may not even work, i like how we can simply discuss… “well i think this seems too complex seems like a twin screw blower or a turbo would be much simpler buy what i see, and i can say no it only has one moving part its very simple… this is a fresh change from, “Get off my forum, your ideas are stupid, you’re a f$#^!ng idiot!” its like how do you even know my ideas won’t work, they haven’t even been put into concept too find out lol! but here i don’t see that you are free to express your ideas and opinions, and others do to, its all about both parties having there eyes open too the possibilities.[/quote]

                                I agree, it’s better just to walk away from people like that. Don’t waste your time. I too am happy this forum is as well behaved as it is. Makes my life and the lives of the moderators easier that’s for sure.

                                On the topic of spark plugs. I’ve recently found this that you might find interesting.


                                Thanks for your contributions to the forum. I for one, really appreciate them.

                                Lorrin BarthLorrin Barth

                                  Well, even if you do a job perfectly, there is probably a better way of holding the wrench. Someone was once showing me how they use eating utensils in France. Well, I tried it and it is better. However, my habits are set, it is too late to change now.

                                  Eric, you have the benefit of a lot of feedback and I think the feedback you get is an important part of what you do. Don’t overlook it but share it with us, your audience.

                                  EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

                                    [quote=”barneyb” post=109472]Well, even if you do a job perfectly, there is probably a better way of holding the wrench. Someone was once showing me how they use eating utensils in France. Well, I tried it and it is better. However, my habits are set, it is too late to change now.

                                    Eric, you have the benefit of a lot of feedback and I think the feedback you get is an important part of what you do. Don’t overlook it but share it with us, your audience.[/quote]

                                    Thats exactly what this forum and website were created for. ๐Ÿ™‚

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