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  • #858758
    Salvador AlascoSalvador Alasco

      I have a relatively new YUKON SUV. Three days ago, while cruising in the interstate, I noticed my oil pressure gauge was pointing to the extreme left (perhaps “ZERO”). But the truck was fine. No knocking or any unusual sounds whatsoever.
      The next day, I checked on the oil level dipstick and it was fine ! n fact, the oil had just been replaced.
      Then I test drove it early today. At idle, the needle jumped to 40 PSI, and when I started moving, the needle fluctuated between 40 psi around 50 psi. And when I slow down. the pointer needle goes below 40 psi somewhat………..then goes back to 40 psi and stays there when I speed up again. But the truck is as smooth running as could be expected.
      Is this normal or is there anything I should be worried about ?
      Do oil pressure gauge(s) move in step with the engine’s RPM ?

      Thank you and have a nice day.


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    • Author
    • #858847
      Nicholas ClarkNicholas Clark

        Make sure that your oil isn’t overfilled. If it is, your crank will whip through the oil and foam it up. Air is not a good lubricant and you will see a drop in oil pressure. The old story goes that you should have 10psi for every 1000 RPM. I would worry if I had ten PSI at idle. 25 would be the minimum for me personally. When this low PSI event happened, did you just get done passing someone? There could have been pump cavitation at RPM or something like that if you downshifted and went around someone.

        It is normal for an oil gauge to fluctuate during driving. But any random drop to zero or near zero demands attention.

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