
O2 Sensor

  • Creator
  • #534402
    Mark John

      :unsure: I have a 2005 Dodge Durango 4.7L V8… The check engine was on and I took it to Autozone to see what it is and the sales person said that it was the O2 sensor(s). He said there are 3 sensors on the truck, so I bought all 3 and I replaced it (three). The check engine went away but the idling keeps going up and down, the RPM is not steady and the engines dies. I took the truck to a shop and they said that there might be exhaust leak and to take it to a exhaust place. Having a exhaust leak would it make the engine stop like that? or is it something else? (Help please!)

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    • Author
    • #534414
      college man

        an exhaust leak should not make the idle go low or make
        the engine stall. For the idle. IAC and vacuum leaks.
        see if this helps.

        Its me

          How long ago did you replace those O2 sensors and these results? How long have you been running the truck since the replacement?

          If this is something that you just have done, your LT fuel trims might be all messed up still and need to re-learn. Try Disconnecting the battery for 5 minutes and then re-connect to reset the factory fuel maps.


          Jack Patteeuw

            [quote=”mjj0181″ post=65679]:unsure: I have a 2005 Dodge Durango 4.7L V8… The check engine was on and I took it to Autozone to see what it is and the sales person said that it was the O2 sensor(s). He said there are 3 sensors on the truck, so I bought all 3 and I replaced it (three). The check engine went away but the idling keeps going up and down, the RPM is not steady and the engines dies.[/quote]

            First, find a trustworthy mechanic, someone who has been recommended by a friend.

            Second, Just guessing, but I will bet there was nothing wrong with your O2 sensors. Based on the erratic idle, I would guess you have a vacuum leak around the INTAKE manifold.


              First, find a trustworthy mechanic, someone who has been recommended by a friend. Best advice ever!!
              You can chase codes till you go crazy,I hate it when a customer has the codes read from a place like autzoned and insist they know whats wrong and wont listen to our recommendations for the correct repair.
              Autozoned does the customer a disservice by selling them what they dont need based on a usually uneducated salesperson reading the codes.
              Wow sorry for the rant, sort of hits a hot button with me.

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