
No start no crank chrystler sebring

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  • #610922

      Hey all i have a 2002 chrystler Sebring 2.4l dohc 155000 miles. Does not do anything when you turn the key. Battery was 12.6v. O still need to load test it but I doubt it is the battery or any of its connections. The vehicle refused to take a jump start. When. Turn the key all the lights come on headlights work etc. When trying to start the starter relay clicks rapidly. I’m not sure how to test a relay. I tapped on the starter and it sounded like it tried tobtirn over but then it stopped again. I replaced the starter and this did not fox the issue. Is there a way to test a starter off the vehicle? Now I’m stuck. Car isn’t worth much so I don’t really wanna put more than 500 in to it at a shop. Please help me . the oil level is correct. I have not yet tried to turn the crank because there is not an easy place to access it from.

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    • #610928

        I would do a voltage drop test on the starter to see if the connections are bad.

        see if this help with voltage drop tests

        [quote=”troy5190″ post=102408]Hey all i have a 2002 chrystler Sebring 2.4l dohc 155000 miles. Does not do anything when you turn the key. Battery was 12.6v. O still need to load test it but I doubt it is the battery or any of its connections. The vehicle refused to take a jump start. When. Turn the key all the lights come on headlights work etc. When trying to start the starter relay clicks rapidly. I’m not sure how to test a relay. I tapped on the starter and it sounded like it tried tobtirn over but then it stopped again. I replaced the starter and this did not fox the issue. Is there a way to test a starter off the vehicle? Now I’m stuck. Car isn’t worth much so I don’t really wanna put more than 500 in to it at a shop. Please help me . the oil level is correct. I have not yet tried to turn the crank because there is not an easy place to access it from.[/quote]


          im with automechanic on this one, also check your connections too your starter visually for corrosion and just make sure they are good and snug, because it may not be a bad starter, it may also be bad electrical connections too the starter!

          have a look at this too 🙂


            Even though your battery tests with 12.6 volts it doesn’t mean it has any cranking amps. The battery should be load tested to be sure. Make sure the cable connections (inner contact surface) and posts are shinny clean also.

            I know working on the battery in that car is a PITA but it needs to be done before you can rule it out.


              OK I definitely will need to check out connections at battery. I kind of doubt it’s the battery itself since its only 5 months old but you never know I’ll get it load tested.


                and yes of coarse as Wysetech said, i forgot always ALWAYS check the battery with electrical issues, ALWAYS! if the battery is bad for any reason it can screw everything up from the get go. as he said load test it and check that battery good, then its connections!

                i feel foolish for forgetting this lol!


                  [quote=”troy5190″ post=102485]OK I definitely will need to check out connections at battery. I kind of doubt it’s the battery itself since its only 5 months old but you never know I’ll get it load tested.[/quote]

                  I agree. It won’t be your battery condition. You could not jump start the car with a good battery to kick over the starter so there is some other problem there like bad power connections. The starter draws a heap of current to kick it over so if you have a bad connection somewhere you will have an issue.

                  I would not assume the old starter relay is good. They are cheap to replace so replace it and re-check
                  If you have an identical working relay on another circuit swap them over and see if you can start her up. (Just disconnect the battery before playing with the relays.

                  You said in your post you replaced the original starter motor. If you just bought some second hand one it may have a bad starter solenoid in which event there is no way the starter motor will kick over.

                  Best of luck with it.


                    Hello I tested the 12v starter solenoid wire and had 12v. Found the problem to be the main ground which is attached to the tranny. It was very loose. O’Reillys took my starte back also so it was a 0$ fix.


                      sorry for delayed reply, good you fround the fix! your post will be a good example as too why to do some diagnosis before replacing components, you saved yourself some serious cash! 😉

                      EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

                        Glad you got it sorted. For future reference, don’t guess, test. Or it might be better to day, don’t make assumptions when it comes to diagnosis. You were going on the assumption that it wasn’t a battery or connection problem when in fact it was a connection problem. Everything you described sounded like a connection issue. I cover these issues in detail here.


                        Glad you found the problem. Thanks for the updates and for using the ETCG forum.

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