
No start no crank 96 LS400 after bat disconnect

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  • #655596

      Hi, just got a beat up 96 LS400 and was doing some work on it today. Thought it best practice to disconnect the negative battery terminal while I was doing stuff to be safe.

      After I had finished and reconnected the battery terminal, I got this:
      doesn’t crank at all. started this morning fine before I did all this.

      Tried various methods online for resetting the immobilizer with no luck. It’s worth noting that I don’t have the original key or fob, just one that works in the ignition and doors, not trunk.

      not sure if I screwed up somewhere or this is supposed to happen and there’s some simple procedure I need to follow.

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    • Author
    • #658476

        wow that piston, I didn’t think it could be that bad.

        I don’t know what the previous owner put in it but I’ve been putting 93 from shell in it.

        I’m happy to hear that the fuel injector test just needs a $2 screwdriver lol.

        well, minus the ohms test, but I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it, intake is going to have to come off to actually get to some of them.

        also, while they were replaced not 500 miles ago when I got the car running properly, I’m pleased to report the plugs didn’t show any abnormal wear or deposits this time.

        also about the carbon buildup

        is this safe to do on my car, and would it help with the carbon buildup (if it’s even there haven’t checked yet)
        spray bottle vs cup?

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