
no engine start when hot on fairmont sedan 200cid 3.3L 1979.

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here no engine start when hot on fairmont sedan 200cid 3.3L 1979.

  • Creator
  • #879925
    richard guerrerorichard guerrero

      hi guys. i’m having problem with my car in the past few years. my car won’t start when hot. i mean in cold the engine start like new because he have a good starter. but when hot the engine really cost to start. i heard the crank that means the starter its doing his job but no ignition. i wiil appreciate any suggestion on this forum. bye.

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    • Author
    • #879927
      Billy AndrewsBilly

        Carbureted or injected?

        richard guerrerorichard guerrero


          Andrew PhillipsAndrew Phillips

            Have you tested the resistance of the primary on the ignition coil when the no-start is happening? The coil can fail when it gets heat soaked and not work again until it cools off. The same thing can happen to the stator (magnetic pickup) inside the distributor. Both of these parts can be tested, so don’t just go buy new ones until the ones you have are tested and proven faulty.

            Wyr TwisterWyr Twister

              It takes fuel , spark and air for a gas engine to run . All happening at the correct time .

              When hot , it is not getting spark ? How did you go about testing it ?

              God bless


                It could also be a case of “vapor lock”, when fuel in the line to the carb vaporizes due to heat soak when parked.

                Have you done any work on the engine, like installing a different carb that required the original fuel line to be re-routed?

                Wyr TwisterWyr Twister

                  Does it have the fuel pump in the tank ore else where ? I am guessing , since it has a carb , probably not in the tank . Think they started doing that when they went to fule injection .

                  But , if it is in the tank , I think that pretty much eleminated vapor lock ?

                  God bless

                  Andrew PhillipsAndrew Phillips

                    The fuel pump on this vehicle, if it is stock, is cam driven and mounted on the block, not in the tank.

                    Wyr TwisterWyr Twister

                      So it could be vapor lock .

                      God bless

                      Andrew PhillipsAndrew Phillips

                        Maybe vapor lock, but doubtful. Fussy ignition is more likely IMO.

                        richard guerrerorichard guerrero

                          hi cap269. i will test it the next week because i’m away. the weekend i will test it and post the results.

                          richard guerrerorichard guerrero

                            hi evil-i everything is original and oem. the same carburator that bring the car in 1979. a little while ago the mechanic overhaul the carburator because smell to much the engine of gas. but now is perfect. i have read ALOT from internet about vapor lock. and my guess that will be the case in my situation. i will need ideas about minimize that effect that appear on my car. but i will post in a days the testing of coil and spark.

                            richard guerrerorichard guerrero

                              yes cap269 the fuel pump its mechanic and mounted in the block.

                              richard guerrerorichard guerrero

                                fussy ignition. hows that? can you explain it more please. thanks in advance

                                Andrew PhillipsAndrew Phillips

                                  “Fussy ignition” is just an expression. Fussy is a word that means something like having a bad temper. So using the word with the ignition illustrates the ignition as having a bad temper. Don’t worry too much about it, it’s just meant to be a somewhat funny phrase and not a technical term. I’m looking forward to finding out what the results of your testing are next week.

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