I drive a Lancer Evolution. Since many, probably the majority of these cars are heavily modified, the modified vehicles all need ECU reprogramming to work.
The Evolution community is fortunate in having several individuals who decided to decompile, experiment with, and document what is in the ECU. Not only that, but we have two software packages, one that allows ECU reprogramming and a second that allows ECU logging. Between these two pieces of software we have the equivalent of a very expensive scan tool plus ECU reprogramming. The logging software is $25 and the programming software is free with the purchase of a cable. So, we have the whole smorgasbord.
Lets say I wish to change something in my ECU. I first download the present ROM. That way if I don’t like the result of my changes I can switch it back. Then I open up a copy of the present ROM, change values in timing maps or whatever. Then from my laptop, I load the new image into the ECU. BTW, the cable connector I have has pretty flashing lights that change color. How cool is that?
In order to keep from doing some serious damage to my engine I need to monitor a wide band oxygen sensor that I should have installed as a new instrument on the dash. I say should have since I don’t have one. But then I’m an old retired fart and the changes I’ve needed to make to my ECU are simple and don’t affect the makers tune.
So, on the Evolutionm forum where someone is having engine problems, often times the first question is – where’s your logs.
What is going on over in the Ford Explorer community I can’t say. But it is possible similar things are happening there.