
Microstart XP-1 Review

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge The EricTheCarGuy Video Forum Microstart XP-1 Review

  • Creator
  • #607134
    EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

      To me it was surprising how a battery that fit into my glove box could jump start my car. What do you think?

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    • Author
    • #607369
      Alexander BarriosAlexander Barrios

        I just recently discovered this item and have become very interested in it, I was waiting for a good review on it which you provided. It’s definitely on my future purchase list, I plan to use it for camping trips and hikes in the middle of nowhere. As for the phone charging ability, I noticed that the Galaxy s series has difficulty with certain chargers, I would be interested to hear if it was just a phone issue rather than a charger issue.

        Joeseph MamaJoeseph Mama

          this is mind blowing… I am definitely interested in this. :side:

          EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

            [quote=”Prototype” post=100647]I just recently discovered this item and have become very interested in it, I was waiting for a good review on it which you provided. It’s definitely on my future purchase list, I plan to use it for camping trips and hikes in the middle of nowhere. As for the phone charging ability, I noticed that the Galaxy s series has difficulty with certain chargers, I would be interested to hear if it was just a phone issue rather than a charger issue.[/quote]

            One thing that’s been suggested which I wish I would have tried, was to just use the charger cable that came with the phone in the USB port. It’s predicted that would work better than trying to use the universal cable. I wish I would have tried that in the video.

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