
Members rides forum

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  • #449252

      I think this site could benefit from a “Members Rides” section… where you post your DD, summer car, whatever you got in your driveway/garage. I noticed the forum is missing something like that, and a thread for it really doesnt fit anywhere.

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    • #449253
      EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

        Actually I started a forum just yesterday “What Are You Working On” that I believe falls in line with what you suggest but if that doesn’t work for you let me know.


          I think what the OP is speaking of is a dedicated board, where each member can make his own thread per car. This usually leads to people doing progress logs with tons of pictures (which I admit to having a weak spot for and love reading).

          I would personally love to see that.


            Yeah I mean “What are you working on?” is good for projects, but if you just have a daily driver, its kind of pointless…. you could however turn the “What are you working on” forum into a Members rides type of thing, that way you can incompass projects, summer rides, and the plain daily drivers.

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