
Manual Transmission fluid change/info

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here Manual Transmission fluid change/info

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  • #498385

      Hey everybody! I have a 98 Ford Escort SE 5 speed. I have 160xxx miles on it. I have had the car for almost 100,000 miles now and I have never changed the transmission fluid in it. I know that since I have a manual I don’t really need to but I want to. It has been really cold here in Ohio mostly staying in the teens. I have noticed on really cold days if I don’t let my car warm up first the shifting is pretty stiff. After a little bit of driving/warming up it shifts like a dream. I only notice this when its extremely cold outside. So I don’t think the Transmission fluid has ever been changed I figured I would go a head and do it.
      I was looking for some advice. The only transmission fluid I have changed before is on an Accord and I was told that in Honda’s you have to use the Honda Transmission fluid. Will this be the same with my Ford? Do I need to go to the dealer to get the fluid or can I go get a transmission fluid from an auto store?
      The second thing that I was wondering, what kind of fluid I should use? I did some research and found that Ford calls for just ATF fluid. But I was wondering should I just use the base model? Or should I go for a high millage fluid, or maybe a synthetic fluid? OR thoughts on using a gear oil instead?
      I appreciate any ideas, thoughts, or any of your own story’s.

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    • #498400

        Look here:

        Personally I would use whatever you drained out. Manual transmissions are very durable but i wouldnt stray too far from whats reccomended for it. In my dads M/T toyota tacoma I add one quart of honda MTF then fill the rest with gear oil, this helps with cold shifts.


          Base is fine… Most likely 75w-90 or 80w-90 should work. Look in your owners manual if you have one.

          college mancollege man

            What ever the owners manual states.Thats what you use.


              What about the ford fluid? Do I need to use what Ford makes or could I use another brand?


                You can use whatever brand you want as long as its the same type of fluid.

                college mancollege man

                  [quote=”ridinred24″ post=48316]You can use whatever brand you want as long as its the same type of fluid.[/quote]

                  ++++1 🙂

                  EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

                    I don’t think there is a ‘Ford’ fluid. I would use whatever the service manual called for. In fact you might check with your parts person as they may be able to look it up and tell you what that transmission takes.

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