You are completely over-thinking this… I have already told you how to do this.. I can’t make it any clearer than I already have… You can go through the effort of removing the cams, or you can just spend 10 minutes and just move everything back into place…
So for the last time…
Ensure the spark plugs are removed.
Re-install the cam sprockets.
Re-install the crankshaft sprocket.
Turn the Crank (any direction clockwise or counter-clockwise) to turn it to the sub timing mark… then at the same time, turn the cam sprockets clockwise toward their proper marks…… If some resistance is felt then stop.. You will not damage the valves if you just slightly come in contact with them… As a matter of fact, since you cannot turn the crank anymore, you already have hit the valves…
As I said before, simultaneously, move the cam sprockets. They may have to completely be turned 360 degrees again… What you are doing is just putting everything in place since you are figuratively in a hole… You just have to re-set everything…
This is not “Trial and Error” this is just moving the cams and crank back to proper position….
I suspect you have not done many timing belts, and I am trying to assist, but I keep on repeating myself here and it does not seem to help…
Stop talking about 60 DBTC… JUST STOP! At this point, it is irrelevant… All you need to do is just line up the marks… When the marks are lined up, then the crank will be at 60 degrees DBTC and the cams will be at 30 degrees BDTC…..Because the camshaft marks are at 30 degrees BDTC and the Crank is at 60 DBTC only when matched with their marks…… JUST MOVE THE MARKS BACK TO THE PROPER POSITIONS…. IT IS THAT EASY…… Those positions are only accurate when the marks are aligned….
Also, you don’t have to worry about setting the clearance of the cams if you remove them…. Toyota uses buckets and these are non-shim versions, so the only way to change clearance is to get different sized buckets… each have a number according to their size….
So with that being said… You need to move everything back to proper position, remove the lower cover and remove the crankshaft pulley, line everything up, re-set the tensioner, re-install the belt and remove the pin from the tensioner and re-install everything you have take off…. Simple… This is an easy job…
I wish you good luck…