
Lying to customers

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  • #860376

      Hey Eric,
      So I found this video on youtube. I was wondering what your take on what this guy says is. Have you or any of you other techs that may be reading this encountered situations like this yourself?

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    • #864122
      Jason WhiteJason White

        LOL @ “Ever since you changed my oil my brakes have been squeaking” or they notice dents that they swear weren’t there before, and it’s funny until it actually happens. There is actually a psychology behind this and it might not be what you think.

        Yes, some people are full of it and are trying to get something for free. Most though aren’t doing it on purpose. Just when you drive your car every day, you don’t think about it but when you pick it up, then you inspect it, then you notice thing. There is a term called masking, where when you cover up one problem, it reveals other problems that they might not have noticed due to the primary problem. Even worse are those who drop their cars off. While the car was in the shop, they were driving another vehicle. Either someone else’s car, a rental, or even worse, one of our newer loaners that is practically brand new. Then they come back and get in their 10+ year old 120K+ car after being used to that new car and the true age of their car reveals itself. How you handle this will grossly effect your reputation, the business, as well as your income. You cannot let this become a negative situation.

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