
lucas oil

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    • #448995

        does your Honda have issues with low oil pressure or oil leaks?


          My 89 civic has 240,000 on it. I use lucas oil stabilizer with every oil change. . I also use the fuel system cleaner. I have used lucas products for many years and believe they are a quality product.

          EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

            Honestly I don’t think you’ll see that much of a gain to justify the cost. It’s been my experience that if you just change the oil on a regular basis with the correct oil this is all any engine really needs.


              I have been told it is nothing more than straight 80 weight oil and some detergents/soaps. Great for cars with a few miles and perhaps questionable main clearances.


                I would not use any additives. Theres no such thing as a mechanic in a can.

                This is a great website for researching and seeing other peoples comments on fluids in automotive applications –

       … p?ubb=cfrm


                  i would pass on oil additives unless you’re having a problem and it’s a last ditch effort. my sisters 97 accord just hit 250,000 miles and shes been using cheap non synthetic oil and changing it every 3-6k miles. still starts faster than most cars and runs like a top.


                    Quoted From firebirdjimbo:

                    i would pass on oil additives unless you’re having a problem and it’s a last ditch effort. my sisters 97 accord just hit 250,000 miles and shes been using cheap non synthetic oil and changing it every 3-6k miles. still starts faster than most cars and runs like a top.



                      Anyone able to comment on fuel consumption changes when using this product?

                      I would think that a thicker oil would result in increased fuel to keep the motor turning.

                      My wifes car ran with the oil just below the tip of the dip stick (once it sat for a minute there was a drip on the very end) 94 toyota 1.6L DOHC

                      and now I got a small noise when its running cold or at idle when warm…

                      In High school I had an 88 subaru GL that I’m told had been run wo oil…he sounded like hell, put lucas in there and it cleared right up… and sounded almost like a crabby old Mercedes diesel lol but I didn’t really pay attention to that cars mpg. (wish I had kept that and eventually turned it into a sleeper… big engine bay and it was literally a grandma car before I got it)

                      but back on topic,
                      I’m going out of my range of expertise but guessing maybe its a valve or I did small damage to one of the cams, though it’s more of a wet sounding click than what i’ve heard “valve tap” to sound like. (no noticeable loss of power or economy though)

                      I’m just looking to prevent further issue, I’m also going to find what seal is leaking and fix that too. I don’t think the motor consumes any appreciable amount of oil, so it must be a leak. (though some of you may recall the time I had getting it to pass state emissions so maybe I’m wrong)


                        I honestly love all of lucas products!! I always put some of the oil stabilizer in my car when I change the oil. Eric is right, it wont do anything if you arnt changing your oil regularly. The oil stabilizer really makes the oil thicker which helps it coat your internal parts. So really it just offers more protection. It clams to stop seal leaks but i have never had l a leak for it to stop so i can’t speak for that. Although i have used the power steering leak fix and it stop my leak right away! I also had some one once tell me it helps with cold starts. I love everything that lucas makes its worth every cent it costs!


                          Dosmastr – I posted a good link to a website above for all automotive fluids. I highly recommend checking that out.

                          And again as stated, there is no such thing as a mechanic in a can.

                          The viscosity of the Lucas oil stabilizer is very similar to gear oil. Also, take into account, if you make your oil ‘thicker’, you will have oil starvation issues when it is colder outside on first startup which in essence will accelerate engine wear.

                          What vehicle are you working on and how many miles?

                          I would first start off by making sure the oil level is correct and that you have the correct oil viscosity in there. Next, use a mechanical oil pressure gage and check for actual oil pressure.

                          Depending on the vehicle, it may be time for a valve adjustment. However if your vehicle has hydraulic lifters, you would need to replace them seeing as they work from oil pressure.

                          As for your oil leak, i would use some degreaser on the suspected area and then do a visual inspection. There is also a UV dye you can add to your oil if you have a blacklight.


                            Well you certainly are a wealth of information!

                            the motor has about 130k, but it looks to have had the 100k mile service as when i went to replace the ignition system everything but the rotor looked fairly new. I always use the right weight oil unless walmart is out of 5w-30 quakerstate, then its 10w-30.

                            at this time its half a quart low only because I didn’t want to put in 1.5 quarts of new oil and then do an oil change a week later (its coming up on 3k)

                            I’ve had cars like this one for a while (3 different cars, 4 different motors, all the same make and motor) and never heard this noise from any of them.
                            All 3 of the other motors were older as far as mileage 150k, 166k, and 280k… that last one did burn some oil)

                            94 geo prizm 1.6L, though this motor in question came from a 97 corolla.

                            The only reason i’m thinking of using is is that A it seemed to help my old subaru, and B the demo in pep boys with the 4 gears and a crank…. the lucas stuff looks….. stickier… than regular oil which would lead me to believe that it doesn’t drain back down as much or as easily…. though I can see that ALSO means it would not get pumped back out to where it is needed as quickly either.

                            I did briefly check the link, thats an overwhelming list of topics for a noob like me! No idea where to start (then again I was tired when I looked so I’ll check again)


                              Just so you know, there is absolutely no difference between 10w30 and 5w30 once the engine has reached its operating temperature. The only difference there is that 10w will be thicker for cold starts in the colder months.

                              W stands for Winter, not weight if you didn’t know that.

                              I would also make sure that the PCV system is operating correctly. I would even go as far as doing a compression test also.

                              A good high mileage oil is Penzoil High mileage. Again check all of the UOA on that forum.


                                put lucas oil stabilizer on some different pieces of metal different kinds and leave it overnight then see if its still there or if it all drained off probably not too good of a test but it would be interesting if it coated the pieces all night or if it all dripped off

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