
LA meet up

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  • #474631
    EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

      Next week (November 14, 2012) I’ll be in LA on business and was wondering if there were people in the area that might want to meet up that night. If so post here and we’ll hammer out the details. I’ll actually be staying in Hollywood so if we could find a place close to that it would be great. It will be my first time to Hollywood so I’m open to suggestion as to where to meet.

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    • #476445

        Slightly off topic, have you ever considered coming down to Australia and meeting up with the mighty mod team? I’m sure they’d love to meet you, and I’d love to see something come out of that 🙂

        college mancollege man

          [quote=”EricTheCarGuy” post=37256][quote=”college man” post=37253]How come nobody wants to come to New Jersey?
          Jersey gets a bad rap.Its only good for toxic
          waste,oil refinery’s and dumping body’s from New York.
          On the upside we have a diner on every corner open 24/7
          Eric,serious. If your ever near hear or in the tri state.
          lets get together.;)[/quote]

          Funny you should say that because I was actually planning a trip to NJ last Monday but it was canceled due to the storm. We are looking to reschedule but to be honest I was only going to be there for a day so I don’t know if there would have been enough time for a meet up. If after we reschedule it works out perhaps we’ll do an NJ meet up also. BTW I was headed to Red Bank.[/quote]

          Eric,let me know if you can get out this way. 😉


            I would love to attend a NY meeting, should it ever happen. It’s quite interesting to grasp the fact that Eric is acknowledged around the world!

            EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

              [quote=”Ruzzah” post=37481]Slightly off topic, have you ever considered coming down to Australia and meeting up with the mighty mod team? I’m sure they’d love to meet you, and I’d love to see something come out of that :)[/quote]

              Yes and I have a valid passport. Now the financing….. and oh yea, the time to do it.

              EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

                If I can make an NY meet up I’ll let you know. It would be great to be ‘bi-costal’. Heck I’d travel just about anywhere to hang out with ETCG people.


                  [quote=”EricTheCarGuy” post=37747][quote=”Ruzzah” post=37481]Slightly off topic, have you ever considered coming down to Australia and meeting up with the mighty mod team? I’m sure they’d love to meet you, and I’d love to see something come out of that :)[/quote]

                  Yes and I have a valid passport. Now the financing….. and oh yea, the time to do it.[/quote]

                  If you’re serious, I’m stoked. Glad to see you’ve thought about it 🙂



                    While I hate backing out on meetups, I gave the LA meetup some thought and discussed it with someone who has gone to Barney’s Beanery (BB) before. Not only did this person say I would need to leave my house down in San Diego by 2 PM at the latest, but I wouldn’t get back until very late. Additionally, finding parking at 6 PM (dinner time), especially around a place like BB would take forever and would be a nightmare.

                    I also have a meeting that I have to be at on Thursday morning, between all of this, I don’t think I will be able to be up in the area tomorrow night.

                    On the other hand, if you are coming down to San Diego soon, let me know! I will absolutely meet you down here. But, I don’t think I am going to be able to meet you, in LA tomorrow night, with my packed schedule.

                    I was really looking forward to meeting you, but it’s a long, long, drive for me, and I have a very important meeting the following morning. Realistically, I don’t think I will join. Sorry for the last minute notice, and sorry I can’t join.

                    Best Regards,

                    EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

                      No worries Benjamin, I appreciate the thought. As for the rest of you don’t forget, Barney’s Beanery tonight 6pm. Hope to see you there.


                      Matt PerryMatt Perry

                        Traffic on the I-5 looks okay on right now, so I may make it up. Haven’t gotten on the freeway myself yet, though. And the 101 gives me pause…

                        EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

                          Yea I’m getting a first hand lesson in LA traffic this week, no fun. I’ll be there for a bit so no rush. I won’t hold it against anyone that can’t make it I’m just happy if you do.

                          Matt PerryMatt Perry

                            Yep, I’m home changing out of the work clothes, will leave in a few.

                            Wyatt TalleyWyatt Talley

                              Eric is at the bar!


                                Hope someone snapped a few pics and post them up.

                                I would love to go..but I am 3000 miles away haha

                                Matt PerryMatt Perry

                                  That was a fun meet-up, great to meet you. Hope you weren’t as hungover as I surprisingly was this morning.

                                  EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

                                    It was great meeting you too. To be honest I wasn’t hung over at all, perhaps it was the chicken that saved me. The food there was really good. My kind of place, I’d love to go back if I come back to Hollywood.

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