
Just for the Ladies!

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Girls in the Garage Just for the Ladies!

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    Wyatt TalleyWyatt Talley

      This forum is just for the ladies out there that do their own car/truck work or want to chat about things.




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    • #539935

        Hello to all the lady out there. I’m trish. I’m a backyard mechanic, being a single mom who has learn from need to get point a to b. Think about going to college for mechanic. banana:


          Hello Tish, I’m here in Scotland I have a new small shop mostly dealing with Mercedes cars.
          Today, I am replacing a gearbox filter and changing the backend and gearbox oil (EP90)on a $96000 SLR
          College seems to be a nightmare. I would look at doing courses at a manufacturer which they run for a little Money. Eric’s Videos are a great starting point too.

          How are you doing?


            Hey all!

            I’m a chick/woman/lady/bird living in Denver, and I just bought a 1953 Studebaker Commander Starlight from a guy in California. I own 2 other cars. One of them is a 1967 Ford Ranchero my dad bought new. The other is a 2003 Subaru Impreza WRX. My dad worked on the Ford as long as he owned it, and taught me quite a bit about auto mechanics.

            I sort of fell in love with the body style of the Studebaker and found that it’s mostly really easy to work on. I think of it sort of like Apple computers (Macs) and how everything just makes sense in the operating system. I’ve found a few cases where it doesn’t though such as checking the gearbox fluid. If you have carpet in it, good luck! The hole, which is covered to check it is under the carpet. Maybe there’s something I don’t know about it, and the carpet, but oh well. That’s not that inconvenient.

            This isn’t one of the better pics I have of it, but I’ll put more on, once I get them off my phone.


              hi, jane & spannerbird. :cheer: I’ve been working on my mercury marquis 1994 & My mom’s hyundia 2000.My mercury has problem with the steering colum, electric problems, linkage, ect. My mom’s hyundia was used I’ve had to replaced & Give it some tlc. It’s drive me crazy. I’ve always want a old firebird to fix up.


                I’m Vie from Indonesia ^^
                I’m hoping to have reference about engine here ^^
                and some friend to ^^


                  hi, vie. good to meet u.


                    Hi Moonlight, nice to meet you ^^


                      Hey Ladies! My name is Kristin a 22 y/o who is looking into going to school to be an automotive technician. Is there any advice you can give for someone who doesn’t have a lot of experience working on cars. My boyfriend owns his own shop and taught me the basics of changing my own tires and oil but a guys point of view is a lot different than a women’s.

                      Lee AnnLee Ann

                        Hey Trish! My screen name is lar1969, but my first name is Lee Ann. I am a single mom (currently unemployed)of 3 girls and have found it necessary to start fixing my own cars. I have a red 1997 Saturn SC2 which is my current project car. I have enjoyed diagnosing/improving the performance of this vehicle but it is the Saturn LW 300 that I own which has caused me to start doing my own repairs (so I dont have to shell out $500.00 every time it needs something ๐Ÿ™ ) I also am considering a career in Automotive Technology because I am having so much fun wrenching on my own cars!

                        My dad helped lay my foundation at an early age for mechanics but Eric, through his videos, has taught me tons since I have begun this journey.
                        Good luck to you. Hope to hear from you.


                          I served for three years in the army as a Track Vehicle Repairer, where I learned most of what I know about diesel engine repair. Now I currently work as a sears tech, which I just started a few weeks ago.


                            Hi Ladies;

                            I grew up with a backyard Mechanic Father and one brother who now has 20 plus years into being a technician. I was the only girl and the youngest child.

                            I moved to the west coast not too long ago and left so much behind, including “the family toolbox.” (meaning I had all the tools, jacks, help from family, and literally the space to tackle just about anything if I wanted too.)

                            Now I have a small parking spot, a small (but growing) tool kit (I have everything all organized in shoe boxes LOL ๐Ÿ˜‰ and honestly, like everyone else here I suppose, not a lot of disposable income.

                            Since I am a city girl now, I have to pick away at jobs that I can do, and have to rule out the ones I can’t. Last week I did plugs, cap and rotor on my Acura Integra and ended up with rusted rotor, a bruised forearm getting it off, and glass of wine to celebrate a job well done. Car purrs like a kitty now. My favorite thing I have to say though is detailing (wash, wax and shampooing) my car. I love shiny things. ๐Ÿ˜›

                            If it comes to suspension work or things that need air tools I am sunk though and have to go to a shop. And being a girl at a garage can be so frustrating, even if you do know a thing or 2.

                            For example, that Acura had a dis-functional drivers door lock. I had it at the dealer for other services and they blamed the wiring/ after market alarm (and took $200 from me to tell me that), I took the car to alarm installer, who put a brand new one in (for $300) and the door still acted up. So now $500 later, problem was STILL THERE! :angry:

                            So 2 weeks ago in my frustration I fixed it myself for $60 (and 8 hours work mind you). I went to a “pick and pull” where you can pick parts out of junk cars (and get all the experience of taking something apart first before touching your own car…that knowledge is priceless ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) and simply swapped the door actuator. ZERO problems now, problem is fixed!! Its stories like this that keep me going with more repairs and a DIY attitude.

                            Well it’s oil change day for the Acura and I am going to rotate the tires while I am at it. I’ve been eyeing an 80’s full sized pickup on craigslist for a few days and it may be my next project coming soon. I’ll take the summer to work on it and make it humm. I’m still trying to figure out what I am going to call her though. ๐Ÿ™‚ She will be my winter Daily driver.

                            Oh and one more thing, I should say that I did work at a detail shop for a bit before I went to college. I was not into paint repairs (I did a little bit of buffing work). but shampooing and getting stains and hair out were one of selling skills. So did your toddler make your car a mess? Did that puppy bite off what he shouldn’t chew? Someone smoking burn a hole in the carpet? Wanna make your car smell like your favorite soap? I can help with that stuff and show you how to do it CHEAP! In fact most of the tools of the trade you probably already have sitting in your house right now!

                            Hit me up with your dirty stories ๐Ÿ˜‰

                            Anyho, Peace out ladies and as Eric says, Stay Dirty! ๐Ÿ˜‰


                              Hi! I’m a single mom, too, and underemployed. My Honda has 275,000 miles on it. I paid $500 for it, so it seems crazy to shell out tons of cash to some jerk who treats me like I’m retarded because I have a vagina. I’ve fixed a ton of stuff on my little beater since the snow melted this year. It’s so empowering and thrilling to be able to make my car work for a fraction of the cost of taking it to a shop. I’ve found a lot of support on this website, both from Eric’s videos and from people who respond to my posts. It’s such a cool resource!


                                I almost envy the newer cars owners in ways as their cars usually don’t have loads of rust to work around. I’ve been working on my Studebaker off and on for a while now, and usually have to stop for a bit in order to save to purchase something needed for it.

                                This car is very simple, but has a lot of things on it which aren’t standard. I have to do a bit of research at times just to remove things, and then realise that the part is no longer made, or costs substantially more than a similar part for a newer car.


                                Hey Ladies!

                                I’m Libby and I work in the industry. Just wanted to let anyone looking for a job about It’s like a Monster or CareerBuilder but just for automotive jobs. Plus it has career resources..pretty awesome if you’re in a rut.

                                Also, check out Fanelle. It’s a site dedicated to women in trades in Australia. Sure it’s a different country but has great info applicable anywhere.


                                  Were do I start ? dad had Sun Valley Chrystler Plymouth dealership in Phoenix and I ended up being a garage rat. Dirt bikes, dune buggies, drags on the weekends.

                                  Once he saw I was serious he sent me to schools in Detroit mostly for engine blue printing, chassis design, fuel systems, electrical and to be honest, I ate it up with a spoon. Finished up with machine shop , cnc class 4, and welding.

                                  Wake up Sela, time to go to work ! Real world, not enough time to “Get it perfect”. Customers waiting, stripped threads and heli coil nightmares haunting my dreams at night………people “Borrowing” my tools, tools left in cars, smelling like a shop when you get home, back hurting from hanging over a fender all week, hot exhaust burns. I had police friends bitching because they had to buy their own service weapons and uniforms and I’m like…HELLO……..I still owe the Snap-on guy $5000 and that’s just the beginning !

                                  I’m long out of the shop now and went back for my engineering deg. Worked on guidance systems and military tech but still love doing my car thing and have a small shop.

                                  I never had a really bad time being a girl type person doing shop work but it was not always easy either. I love seeing so many more of us doing auto work and also I know several girls doing Semi Diesel shop work.

                                  I could spend the next year telling shop stories but ladies, get out there make your own stories. Sela………

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