
Just bought a 2017 Kia Sportage, can you help with this engine noise?

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here Just bought a 2017 Kia Sportage, can you help with this engine noise?

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  • #895930

      Hey! So my car is low on coolant (owned it 2 weeks now) and I have people telling me this sound is piston slap and my engine is going to fail. Other people say it’s 100% normal for GDI engines and not to be worried. Could I gather some of your opinions?

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    • Author
    • #895942
      Billy AndrewsBilly

        Totally normal. Somebody not familiar with GDI might reasonably think it was excessive valve noise, but anyone who thinks it’s piston slap has no clue what piston slap sounds like.


          Thanks for responding! I know that higher pitched ticking is the GDI sound, I was more concerned with the slower, Lower pitched sound you can hear beneath it. I think I’m just listening way too hard though haha. The dealership said the AC compressor is noisy so they’re replacing that, hopefully that’s what I’m hearing. Thanks!

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