At a previous shop I used to work at there was a body shop that was about a five minute walk away. I once decided to play a trick on the new guy, since he was standing around doing nothing anyway. He wasn’t exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer and one of our conversations went like this.
Me: Hey {new guy who’s name I can’t recall}, can you go down to that body shop and get me six feet of shore line? You can get coast line from them if they’re out of shore line, but I’ll need twelve feet of it.
Him: Ok. What’s it look like so I know that they’re giving me the right stuff?
Me: It looks like where the water meets the sand on a beach. Coast line looks like that too, but it’s thinner.
Him: Ok. Back in a little bit. (he then walks to the body shop)
10 minutes later, when he comes back
Him: You son of a bitch. I asked them for shore line and they laughed at me.
Me: I told you it was where the water met the sand on a beach. What did you think they were gonna do?
Good times to be had picking on the trainee. I’ve also sent people for light bulb repair kits, cans of prop wash, a metric adjustable wrench… I told one of them that his muffler bearings had gone bad. There’s lots of fun things you can do to mess with people.