
Jay’s Tech Tips, a truly great slice of wisdom

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Repair Central-The ‘How To’ Forum Jay’s Tech Tips, a truly great slice of wisdom

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  • #658227

      I’ve really been appreciating a series on a YouTube channel that usually just posts videos of insane cars. Jay’s Tech Tips is a relatively new series that seems to be sticking, and I love it. I’ve stagnated into the business of general auto repair, but I’m a tuner at heart. I know this information isn’t truly useful to most people who work on cars, but covers some of the real black arts of doing performance work, information that is hard to find expertise on.

      I just think that it’s good enough that it’s worth promoting a bit, here are some random episodes:–FL4?list=PLQSWzOHR3Di_w4nmSvMav-b_e2YQBDEGX

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    • #658231
      Gary BrownGary

        I think alot of us that get in the auto repair game are tuners at heart because we truely love cars and want to go faster, perform better offroad or anything in between. When you make modification, you put soul into the car/truck/tractor, almost like a piece of yourself. In stock form, it has the factories soul…not yours. There is something special about taking something, and making it your own.

        Lorrin BarthLorrin Barth

          I have to give a like to Jay’s engine break-in tip.

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