

  • Creator
  • #464355

      hey all, glad to be a part of the forum.

      i found ETCG not too long ago when i needed some help with my ’97 accord. i have NO background as a mechanic but i’ve “helped” (watched) a couple of my friends do some work on my car over the past few years and it boosted my confidence enough to start trying stuff on my own. i bought some cheap tools with the money i was PLANNING on saving by doing it myself and got to it 🙂

      so far i’ve tackled:
      exhaust pipe replacement
      brake pads/rotors (freaking HATE captive rotors!)
      tie-rod ends (several times)
      upper/lower ball joints (funny story about that… make sure the “post” on the ball joint is properly seated through the lower control arm! otherwise when it seats itself the castle nut will end up being too loose… then you might find yourself fighting to keep control of your car when it comes out… broke both ends of the left front axle – picture attached. live and learn :unsure: )
      wheel bearings
      valve cover gasket
      spark plugs/wires
      and your basic oil/ATF/brake fluid changes

      looking forward to taking on more!

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    • Author
    • #464366
      Wyatt TalleyWyatt Talley

        Welcome aboard! Got to love when your bust an axle lol


          Welcome to the forums!

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