
Ingersoll rand 2130 impact driver

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  • #510625

      I just expanded my Do It Yourself scope into the world of auto mechanics. I bought an ingersoll rand 2130 pneumatic impact wrench to help.(got tired of working the breaker bar on suspension bolts) The wrench does 95% of what I need but I found it would not loosen some suspension bolts without the darn breaker bar to help. I am considering upgrading my impact wrench to something more powerful.(this one has 550 ft lbs or torque.) But am I wrong in my thinking? Will there always be that one bolt here and there that the impact will not take off? I spoke to one person and they said to just turn the air pressure up. However, the manual says no more than 90 psi. Any help or advice from experience would be appreciated.

      Thanks Chet

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    • #510743

        Sometimes a guns inability to remove a fastener is related to air pressure and air volume delivered. 550 ft lbs should handle most anything ( except a honda crank pully bolt – LOL ) how big is your compressor ? tank size and , hp and output rating. Personaly I run my gun at 100+ psi. you can upgrade to 1/2 inch air line to increase volume. I have an earthquake gun from harbor freight ( 700 ft lbs ) has not let me down yet ( about a year old ) try cranking the output up and see how the gun performs .

        Michele PensottiMichele Pensotti

          I completely agree with 619DioFan, try and crank up the pressure , sometimes the hose “steals” pressure because of small flow capacity, and what you get is a lower than 90 psi pressure AT the impact, even though the pressure at the regulator is much higher.

          The bigger the hose AND fittings are , the better the flow, and also the pressure regulator itself can be a problem, I’d try to bypass it and get full flow directly from the tank.

          Each restriction equals a certain drop in pressure at a certain air flow; the bigger the flow the bigger the drop in pressure.
          Also, the bigger the restriction, the bigger the drop in pressure!

          Hope you solve your problem 🙂

          Live long and prosper (and stay dirty!)



            Thanks for the suggestion. I turned the regulator up to 125 psi and the gun runs stronger. I have no tried to take one of the stubborn bolts off yet but I think your right! I was just worried the extra air pressure would blow a seal or something inside the gun. But, it seems to be working fine. :cheer: Anyway, thank you for the help-

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