
Idle issue

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  • #507806

      I have a 2001 Ford Explorer Sport with a V6 4.0L Engine. My check engine light came on so I went to the local auto parts store and hooked up their Diagnostics Computer and it said running lean on 1&2. What do I need to check to fix this problem? I have added fuel injector cleaner into my gasoline and also tried cleaning out my IAC Valve, but it still is having trouble idling when warmed up. If I come to a stop (with the truck still in gear) it wants to idle down to 500rpm and die on me, but if I come to a stop and put the truck in neutral it idles fine! PLEASE HELP!!! It would be greatly appreciated!!

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    • #507815

        You’ll want to check the PCV hose for deterioration. Likely there is a split hose there or possibly another vacuum line that has come loose or broke. That’s causing extra unmetered air to enter the engine causing the code. The reason it idles in neutral is because it’s not under load and the computer can compensate the fuel needed to keep the air/fuel ration in its sweet spot. Under load changes the calculation the computer makes and runs past the limit on how much it can compensate for, causing a true lean condition that will cause stalling.

        The PCV hose is the likely component due to the amount of chemicals ( fuel, oil, blow by gasses ) that contact the hose and break it down. Normal rubber vacuum line usually just breaks down due to drying out due to the heat. PCV hoses harden and become brittle or soften and split depending on the type of material used to make the hose.


          Thanks. I checked the PCV tube and the elbow going to the crankcase is dry rot and pulls right off the tube and crankcase with extreme ease! I will be looking into replacing it tomorrow!


            great, hopefully that was all it takes to fix it….let us know how it turns out!

            college man

              try searching for vacuum leaks.Here are a couple things
              to try. 🙂


                try cleaning the mass air flow sensor, a dirty sensor can give you the symptoms you have.


                  +1 on checking the PCV and for vacuum leaks. Either one of these things can drive the mix lean. Keep us posted on what you find.

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