
I need a plan B brake bleed procedure

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Technicians Only I need a plan B brake bleed procedure

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  • #886056
    none nonenone

      I have an 06 Lucerne with a brake line that rotted out and it’s been replaced. It’s been bled and the pedal will not firm up. I’m confident air is trapped in the ABS module. I used to be able to just plug a pressure bleeder onto the master cylinder and do a scan tool ABS bleed sequence when I ran into this. Prior to this, I can’t recall ever needing to do a pressure/scan tool bleed on a GM with only one hydraulic circuit broke open. But, this car is acting like two or more circuits have air in them and I no longer have access to a pressure bleeder with my current shop. I have a GM Tech II, a Snap On Solus, and an Autel Maxisys at my disposal for the automated sequence, but is there a way I can get around this lack of a pressure bleeder?

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    • Author
    • #886844

        Did you try to cycle the abs with the scan tool and conventionally bleed?
        I have usually found that I have to cycle the abs with a scan tool at least once or twice and had usually manually bled with a helper.

        none nonenone

          I’ve tried that a few times with other cars along with this one and it’s never worked for me. I still have friends at the local tech college and they let me use the bleeder keg out of their brake/suspension lab.


            The bleeder keg isn’t essential you can use a simpler version or make one from a garden sprayer and buy adapters or make them from an old cap and a bolt on valve stem. Lots of ideas on you tube.

            The Astro vans used to be the only problematic GM ones but looks like the list is growing.

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