
How To Replace a Honda K Series Starter the ‘Easy’ Way

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge The EricTheCarGuy Video Forum How To Replace a Honda K Series Starter the ‘Easy’ Way


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  • #887471
    EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

      I think I’ve just about rebuilt my Element at this point. It’s funny how a bunch of things went wrong about the same time. Planned obsolescence?

      Either way, this video will help more than Element owners. There’s a lot of Honda’s out there with K series engines, and a lot of people removing intake manifolds when they don’t have to. I hope this helps.

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    • #892011

        Your video on replacing the Element starter saved my sanity. Thank you. Now, can I get your advice? When I loosened the 17mm mounting bolt it freed up nicely, but after a couple of turns it started binding and was very difficult to loosen. After two or three phases of difficult and easy loosening it came out. Upon inspecting the bolt I noticed that the first 3/4” of threads are good but then there is a section of roughly two threads that are flattened out. Now I’m hesitant to reuse this bolt. What would you recommend?

        EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

          Chase the threads in the block and replace the bolt would probably be the best approach. You might be able to save the threads on the bolt, but I really can’t say for sure.

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