
How To Remove Valve Springs Inside The Car

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge The EricTheCarGuy Video Forum How To Remove Valve Springs Inside The Car

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  • #624048
    EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

      This was a requested video after I did the last valve spring removal video. I hope it answers the questions that were posed to the original video.

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    • #630380

        Reminds me of the days when I did at least one valve seal replacement on a Ford every weak.

        EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

          [quote=”wysetech” post=111775]Reminds me of the days when I did at least one valve seal replacement on a Ford every weak.[/quote]

          Yea, they did have some issues with that didn’t they?

          Joseph TothJoseph Toth

            Watched the video and, OK, I get that you want to have cylinder 1 at TDC when you start this process by removing the rocker arm assembly. But is it necessary to then set EACH subsequent cylinder at TDC before you remove the springs for that cylinder? (Want to replace valve seals on a ’99 Accord.)

            EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

              Yes you have to put each cylinder at TDC. The Accord uses positive seal valve seals that will need to be pried off and hammered back on. Also, it’s not common for them to leak. If you have an oil consumption issue, I’d check compression first. It’s more likely leaking past the rings.

              Joseph TothJoseph Toth

                Thanks; I planned on doing the compression test first, but was curious about the process for the seals. I’m a relatively competent diy-er but have never been deeper than a head gasket into an engine, so a ring job might intimidate me a little.

                Love the site and the videos, Eric. Thanks!

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