
How do these plugs look? Everybody step inside!

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  • #446993

      Hey guys, So I pulled the plugs on my Cobra a few weeks ago, First time I’ve ever changed the plugs on this car since I’ve owned it for about a year. Anyways I took some pictures of the plugs and I honestly though they look in pretty bad shape. But for the most part, How does everybody think they look? Anyways, any and all input is appreciated! Thanks guys!

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    • #447009

        Do you have a wide band o2 sensor setup on that vehicle? It would be interesting to see what your stoichometric ratio is.

        I would also suggest taking it to a professional tuning shop to see what there thoughts are.

        EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

          They do look rich but honestly you want it a little rich with a performance set up, it’s much better than running it lean. They don’t look horrible to me and it doesn’t look like you’re burning any oil which is a very good sign. YOu might consider a hotter plug just to see but as suggested the best people to talk to about this kind of thing are the people that do this a lot, in fact this is a friend of mine that drag races his Mustang that would probably be able to help you, just tell him I sent you.

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            Dreamer, I’ll talk to my tuner. See what he has to say for the most part. I may get the A/F Checked just to be sure.

            Eric, I messaged that guy on youtube. Just to see what his thoughts are. No reply yet. I’m sure hes pretty busy. But hopefully he can give me his .02 cents on the subject to either give me peace of mind or what direction I should go in.

            But yeah, Car burns no oil at all. Currently using 5w30 Amsoil, With a fully Synthetic Oil Filter.

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