My user name is based on two things – 619 the area code where I live ( SanDiego ) and DioFan because the late great Ronnie James Dio is my all time favorite singer/performer. and there you have it. Horns up !
End Supremacy was the name of my band in H.S. The guitarist and I created the band and we somehow came up with End Supremacy. Our reason behind the name was to end the supremacy of bad music. Lol. As cheesy as that sounds, I do get a lot of attention for the name. Most of it good, but some people get the wrong idea. I use this name for everything including gaming.
Mine is from gaming. My brother and me use to take great pride in our Halo skills, and this is a play on words and Halo. After you die, you re-spawn, and when you die you have a red X over your name. So the person would spawn dead, or spawned dead or spawned x’d, and that is where SpawnedX came from.
My username illustrates my love for Celtic FC, a soccer club in Scotland. I’m half Irish and Celtic FC was founded by the Irish in Glasgow. I’ve been a supporter for many years.