
Horn issues

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  • #875525

      1997 mountaineer. So i left my window cracked open for a couple of hours in the rain. Driver carpet was wet, so was the steering wheel. When I got home, the horn started honking constantly by itself. The dealer looked at the switch assembly and the distribution box for moisture and corrosion (all good), so now he is looking for corrosion in the wire. Any ideas? Could this just be coincidental? The relay and fuse are all good. Anyone ever hear of a similar issue?

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    • Author
    • #875526

        i hate going to the dealer


          The horn ring that sits over the area bag.. clock spring? I forget it’s official name, within the steering wheel might be sticking closed. I don’t know Ford too well but the horn is more than likely activated by the horn switch in the steering wheel closing and providing ground or the BCM providing ground (like when you use keyless entry and the horn beeps). You either have a short to ground somewhere, a bad computer, or a bad clock spring thing.

          My horn in the wheel stopped working altogether and I noticed one day though when my stereo’s cable for the bluetooth microphone got caught in the crack of the steering wheel when turning if it went deep enough my horn would sound, confirming my clock spring? was faulty.


            Yeah the part you are referring to is the clock spring. Dealer said that was the issue. I said don’t do the repair (they wanted 900 bucks) and leave the relay out. I’m going to wire a separate horn until my independent shop has time to look at it. And i will probably get it dried by a detail shop to prevent any further wonky electrical issues/mold


              While you’re at it I would recommend a quick trip to your local junkyard and find some classic 4note Caddy horns. I did that when mine broke and wired a separate button to the dash to power them. It’s pretty awesome, ha, but a Mountaineer is bigger than a Grand Am so you may not get the taken back looks that I get lol. I kept my relay in place so I wouldn’t lose my panic or keyless horn chirp and just snipped the wire running from the horn to the clock spring and put a switch in it’s place. Just took a minute to retrain my brain to hit the radio instead of the wheel lol

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