
Honda Prelude after a flood.with video

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here Honda Prelude after a flood.with video

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  • #502427

      Hello there,
      I have a problem with my prelude which was flooded pretty badly.
      [video size=100 width=480 height=360 type=youtube]DhnmJFHp58c[/video]

      As it was towed out the garage, a lot of water came out of the exhaust and the rest of the car.
      I took the car to a mechanic and he tried to start the car right after the flood.It cranked but didn’t go on.
      O left it there and was way to a trip.One month later I went to the mechanic and he said its dead. 🙁
      I loved my car so i towed it back to my place i thoght to give it a try myself, nothong to loose.
      The ECU survived very well, but ABS and 4 WS Unit were absolutely dead.
      I started with new Sparks and changing the oil 5 times.I drained the gas also.
      I put some injection cleaning stuff with the gas and suddenly the engine started. 🙂
      I bought a used 4ws and ABS unit and they work also now.For security I also got me a good used ECU.

      The problem now is that the engine goes off when is run warm,missfires and if i step full on the peddal it goes off quicklier.When the engine is still cold it reacts normally.I changed also the fuel filter in front of the car but that didnt change it.In the video the engine did’t even show on the dashboard that its warm, but it did get warm before and a day after the video it also got warm.
      I tried the paper clip trick but it doesn’t show me any codes.
      Before the video i reseted the ECU(taking the radio fuse out for 10 sec.)
      does anyone have a clue where to start looking or has a suggestion?
      could it be that the water in the exhaust damaged the o2 sensor and this is the source(even without a CEL code?

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    • Author
    • #502431

        A I can eared on the video, you have spark and you need to clean out the idle valve. You car have misfire just you pull out you foot to the pedal. After an amount of air coming in, the engine run normally. It’s happen only you are in idle. You might need to clean the air intake and I sure to change you engine air filter. Use Lucas injector cleaner to help you to have a perfect gas mist in the engine. It’s really a air and gas problem in the idle.

        In some car, O2 sensor can literally stop an engine to start. So you can unplug It an see the voltage you can get from It. In the video Eric show us the proper o2 sensor volt



          Thanks Plasmido for the quick hint.
          I changed the air filter also, i forgot to mention.It was soaced wet ofcourse.
          By Idle Valve u mean the fast idle valve? I saw the video on adjusting it , so i can just open it up and clean ? right?

          I will check the o2 sensor testing video too.
          thanx i will report after cleaning.


            Yes, you are right ! I have also a second tought, you fuel filter in you gas tank. If the water went in your gas tank, you will have a really durty fuel filter that will cause a fuel pressure drop. The fuel pump might be ok.

            The LeprechaunThe Leprechaun

              i wouldnt put any more money into the car until you do a compression test.
              water doesent compress and by the sounds of it the engine may have taken in water which can bend rods leading to a missfire.
              try that first,good luck.

              college mancollege man

                couple things. water in the gas tank. water in the
                distributor.Plugs look fouled. The car does start idle
                and rev.


                  Ok i tried simplest thing first.I never opened a distributor, but thanks to college man and the short video ETCG i checked it first.
                  And it looked awful

                  I’ll clean that and try again.
                  The temperatures here are below freezing so it could be that the ice meltedand the water did its job.

                  college mancollege man

                    spray it with wd-40 and wipe it out. 🙂


                      Use a hot air gun or a hair dry to melt the ice.


                        ITS WOOOORKING OMG !!!
                        6 months of trying
                        I did also a compression test and all cylinders are fine 🙂

                        thank you guys so much


                          Thank you to update your post. Enjoy your car and keep It whit a clean engine. ( Lucas additives)

                          EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

                            Flood cars are never right. Once a car is flooded to the dashboard it’s totaled. You may get it to run now but you’ll be chasing electrical demons for the rest of it’s life not to mention the smell. I’d unload it and look for a replacement.

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