
Honda Power Steering fluid flush

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here Honda Power Steering fluid flush

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      So I just recently picked up a 2000 Honda Civic EX Coupe. I love the car so far but I want to be sure that all genuine honda fluids that should be used are used in this car. So an MTF and power steering fluid flush is what I am looking into now.

      I know how to do the MTF but I am a complete noob when it comes to power steering fluid. How do I do a power steering flush? The fluid in the car is red I believe, and honda PS fluid is clear. :S So this will be done asap within the next few weeks. I am wondering if I could take the easy way out and just drain the reservoir a couple times and call it a good day, or should I go through the procedure of getting everything out. I saw videos online of first emptying the reservoir, then taking the hose and connecting it to a bottle and running the car. I just fear using that method I might burn the pump out and cause more damage.

      Any insight?

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    • #528919

        Yes you are correct the fluid is clear and turns red when introduced to the system. You can disconnect the hose into a bottle to “flush” it, that’s what I did. Running the system dry can damage the pump. It didn’t happen to me. But in retrospect I would not do it again for fear of this.


          Oh so there is a possibility that the car COULD have Honda PS fluid? Since it is red.


            Yes its very possible assuming is hasn’t been changed. Check the fluid if it looks more brown or black then red. I wont hurt to change it. I would just drain the resistor and refill and be done with it.


              I think it’s a good idea to flush your power steering with Honda fluid since you really have no idea what’s in there. If you put the wrong fluid in older Hondas it will cause the rack to leak.

              The video you watched is the best way to do it. All you need is a helper to turn the engine off if you can’t keep up with pouring in the new fluid. That way you won’t be burning out the pump.


                I was considering following exceptionalchris’s idea on just draining the reservoir and filling it up with fresh honda fluid for maybe 3 or 4 months. I’ll have to see how expensive the fluid is. If it is expensive, I might as well just do it right the first time.

                Wysetech – How long do I have before risking damage to the pump?


                  It’s hard to say but a few seconds to a minute won’t hurt anything. It will most likely aireate the fluid though.


                    Which ever way you chose use remember to “bleed” the system. Turn the steering wheel from left to right, hold for a few seconds. Then repeat.


                      Alright, sounds good. But I have a question, will the new Genuine fluid mix with whatever is in there? In other words, will I kill something mixing the two fluids?


               will mix ok.

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