
Honda has fluttering dash/sometimes will not start

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  • #991373

      I went to start the Honda and upon stepping on the clutch and turning the key, all the gauges of the dash were fluttering crazy and it would not turn over. I have checked the alternator, starter, fuses and battery connections. Only thing I could come up with was to replace the poor sub-grounding cable located next to the radiator cap. It started with no problem after this but I find it very hard that this was the fix.
      Is there something else I am missing? The car has 270,000 miles on it. I rebuilt the motor 160,000 miles ago and has ran like a top. Does anyone think the computer is starting to go or is there another sub-ground cable somewhere I am missing? When the dash flutter like that is is purely a ground issue? Th battery is brand new and is a high quality Interstate battery.

      • This topic was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by RyanRyan.
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    • Author
    • #991374

        I been continuously having issues with the car doing the fluttering dash thing. Sometimes I can get it to start and sometimes it’s just dead. I have found when I disconnect the battery and reconnect, it will start. Is this a computer issue that when I disconnect it clears memory or is there a ground issue somewhere I need to find?

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