
Honda Civic Timing belt change.

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here Honda Civic Timing belt change.

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  • #446581

      So I was watching this video:

      …Where Eric changes a timing belt like a boss.


      How can I be sure that the timing is dead on, if one side is tighter than the other? I mean, will it not just roll out of sync due to the difference in tension?

      And how would one do that tensioning trick if the engine is in the car? (does not have lift.)

      Also, How do I access the pulley anyway? Is it possible to take out the wall behind the front wheel? Or would one do it from underneath the car?

      Also: how to get the pulley back on? I heard using a hammer is going to mess up some bearings inside the engine.

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    • Author
    • #446582

        You might want to consider purchasing one of his timing belt changes as that will answer a lot of your questions.

        You need to make sure your timing marks are lined up correctly. Then manually rotate the engine twice, starting from TDC. After the second revolution, your marks should line back up again.

        As for removing the crank shaft pulley, some Honda’s require a specific tool to hold the crank shaft pulley in place while your remove the crank shaft pulley bolt.

        For reinstallation, you need to torque the crank shaft bolt down to specifications and some crank shaft pulleys also require a special tool to press them back on.


          Quoted From dreamer2355:

          You might want to consider purchasing one of his timing belt changes as that will answer a lot of your questions.

          You need to make sure your timing marks are lined up correctly. Then manually rotate the engine twice, starting from TDC. After the second revolution, your marks should line back up again.

          As for removing the crank shaft pulley, some Honda’s require a specific tool to hold the crank shaft pulley in place while your remove the crank shaft pulley bolt.

          For reinstallation, you need to torque the crank shaft bolt down to specifications and some crank shaft pulleys also require a special tool to press them back on.

          I understand about the lining up part, but not the asymmetrical tensioning part. It seems logical that a rubber band with more stretch on one side than the other will try to adjust it self right?


            uh, bump?


              The timing belt tensioner will take care of the tension of the belt.

              EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

                The slack and tension is just for the installation of the belt, the tension is actually set as you rotate the engine, once you see tension on BOTH sides of the belt you lock the tensioner down and you’re all set. You can access the crank pulley once you remove the lower splash shield. I’ve impacted thousands of crank pulleys back on without incident.

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