I have also read and heard of the ATF and Acetone mix on another board. I think it was a Mustang forum i beileve. Im going to have to try this one next time i work on a vehicle that is all rusty.
Hello everyone. This is my first post. I learned this trick repairing aircraft engines. Milk of Magnesia is an excellent anti-seize compound. It performs well under heat, it is cheap, and when it is time to remove a bolt the bolt comes out without excessive force. The copper based anti seize that is fairly common is very good but the MoM is a little bit better in my opinion and not goopy.
Yep, the homerew work just as good as the store bought variety. The last time I made some, I used a quart of camp fuel, a quart of marvel mystery oil and a cup of rubbing alcohol. I just mixed them all in a bucket and then poured it into some bottles that I had laying around the shop. It works just as well as Seafom, at about a tenth of the cost.
I make my own homemade oil for oiling doors and anything that needs oiled lol.
I mix ATF, 10w-30 oil, and 2stroke oil. Every thing i’ve put it on it worked great and last’s.
Simple all purpose lube- Bulk oil from the tank mixed in a spray bottle with solvent out the parts washer, or if u wanna get flammable use lacquer thinner instead, fun when u use it on a torched cherry red bolt/part
The geniuses at work use anti seize mixed with STP and wipe it on cam lobes and lifters for break in, its worked for me a few times now.
Simple all purpose lube- Bulk oil from the tank mixed in a spray bottle with solvent out the parts washer, or if u wanna get flammable use lacquer thinner instead, fun when u use it on a torched cherry red bolt/part
The geniuses at work use anti seize mixed with STP and wipe it on cam lobes and lifters for break in, its worked for me a few times now.