

  • Creator
  • #625941

      how would you clean and lubricate door, trunk and hood hinges? since its winter i want to get this done soon, thanks.

      also – where do i post questions for the youtube live feeds?

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    • #625944
      Gary BrownGary

        I will answer your first question. To clean I would just use soap and water and then dry it. I usually use WD-40, Used Motor Oil, or White Lithium Grease for lubrication of hinges depending on what is available to me at the time.


          Unless they are really filthy and caked with crap, you probably don’t need to go thru the hassle of cleaning but if you really want to, just get a cheap paint brush, spray bottle, and some mineral spirits. Fill the spray bottle with some mineral spirits, spray it on, brush off the gunk, rinse and repeat… Try not to let too much of the M.S. run all over the paint.

          I just spray some white lithium grease and call it a day. I am sure there are better things to use and you will probably get more suggestions. Unlike wheel bearings and engine or trans parts which are in constant motion under pressure, the hinges and latches do not need a constant supply of clean, fancy lubrication. Just maybe a semi-annual squirt.

          When you do this tho – do not forget to lube the door latches, trunk and hood latches, and the key holes in case your RKE remote flips you the bird and you have to unlock using the key.

          EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

            In addition to what was mentioned you might find this helpful.

            As for where to post questions for the live shows, you can post those to the live events on Google+. I post links to my social networks when it’s a show week. I only do them every other week BTW. I also will be doing a podcast starting late next month. Questions for that show will be taken from this forum. More info on that as time gets closer.

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