
Help! Past max A/T fluid on 2010 civic

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here Help! Past max A/T fluid on 2010 civic

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  • #588951

      Hey all im worried my 2010 civic transmission 55k miles, is going to overheat because last night I did a flush (drain, refill, drive then repeat 2 more times) and complete with 3 qts of Honda DW1. I didnt really spend much time leveling off the fluid / checking dipstick like I probably should have while my car was still in my driveway… I tried searching information on the forums for this and was not sure where to post this…

      I know it seems simple to fix “Just drain out the excess out the plug..” but hear me out please.

      Im at work and worried to drive home from work (about 6-7 miles.) because when I got to work this morning the engine seemed to be warmer than usual (could be wrong about this), and there’s a dampened-thudding sound coming from the muffler at idle, it’s like a constant clicking but only it’s dampened (dut-dut-dut-dut-dut…), but i’m hoping its because the fluid is past max —> I read on the trans fluid change page that there could be problems associated with changing the fluid around 80k if you’ve never done it before due to Atf fluid sealing off, but how likely is it to cause problems around 55k?

      My question is, am I safe to drive home with past max trans fluid then drain there or should I stop somewhere closer to have them drain it? Is it safe to drive 6-7 miles or more with past max trans fuild?And how likely is it to cause problems by changing the fluid around 55k if I it’s never been changed before?

      Thanks in advance!

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    • Author
    • #588953
      college mancollege man

        If its making noise after the refill and is to full. Can you
        drain some in a pan or something? Hard call don’t want any damage.
        if you have some place to drain it do that.


          Thats my issue, im at work so I cant do it unless I drive 6-7 miles to get home.

          college mancollege man

            [quote=”swifty1chuck” post=95507]Thats my issue, im at work so I cant do it unless I drive 6-7 miles to get home.[/quote]

            Try and limp it home.


              Drove home on my lunch break and got the fluid out fine.
              /the end


                I thought you were supposed to drain and fill not flush auto trannies on hondas?


                  A drain and fill on the Civic should take exactly 2.5 quarts of DW1 atf. Instead of doing the 3x drain and fill to flush I just do one drain and fill every two oil changes. It comes out the same that way and is easier.

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