Older CIS systems would flood time to time if the sensor plate on the fuel distributer was really gummed up and not moving freely. That’s why I asked.
Motronic is fairly simple compared to some of the new systems. It be virtually impossibly for it to flood though. Youd have to crank and crank and crank for a long while for it to flood or even smell gas out the tail pipe. The ECM uses the cam sensor / crank position sensor not only for ignition timing but for the injectors. And to add to that the injectors are synchronised not batch fire like Motronics older brothers Digifant2 and L-tronic.
4 things to try first.
1- pour a concentrated mix of injector cleaner into the tank or run a injector cleaner apparatus on the fuel rail. Bosch is picky and sensitive. On that engine its not a bad idea to run cleaner every other oil change.
2- check the ignition timing. A lot of the time in the moments close to a stall the car reads the knock sensor input, basicly as your stalling, and try to retard the timing and enrich the mixture. Just like if it was preventing knock. If the timing is off enough it can stall it, and also cause a serious lack of bottom end torque that makes stalling easier.
3- check the resistance on the sweep of the throttle position sensor to see its to spec. If its out of adjustment or failing it will cause lack of power too.
4- I would also test the fuel pressure regulator on the rail for vacuum holding pressure. Its best to use the proper tool for that. With age they can act differently hot vs cold. If it wont hold pressure its shot, if you smell gas from inside it its also shot. This will cause serious lack of power and if it wont pressurize the rail properly it wont fire.
Basicly you want to check all the big tune up items. Motronic like I said is fairly bomb proof but still victim to normal old car stuff, and twice as sensitive about it.