
grinding on start up

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  • #645020
    Nankumar SeewdatNankumar Seewdat

      So my 2002 toyota echo recently started making this high pitched grinding noise on start up, it only happens when the engine is cold and only lasts for a few seconds then goes away. It sounds like metal grinding against each other but because it goes away after a few seconds i cant pinpoint whats wrong. I’m thinking it could be the starter but the noise begins once the engine is running so the starter shouldn’t be working once the engine is on. Has anyone had this problem before? it’s an automatic with 205 000 kms on it

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    • #645067

        Could be your starter Bendix not disengaging properly.

        Nankumar SeewdatNankumar Seewdat

          so would i have to replace the entire starter to solve this or is this an individual item?


            I would at least remove the starter and inspect it.

            Nankumar SeewdatNankumar Seewdat

              what exactly would i be looking for? like, cracks, burns? I’ve never done a job like this lol so i have no clue what to look for, i found out how to remove the starter and its very simple, just a few bolts holding it in.


                Yes the pinion gear would likely show some wear and damage, if this is indeed the problem. I would also jump the starter to a battery and check the Bendix was working properly.

                You Americans and your damn automatics 🙂 You could easily eliminate the Bendix and starter as noise sources on a manual by just bump starting it down a hill.

                While you’ve got the starter off, I would strip, clean and blow out all the parts, especially the solenoid. A little grease here and there may solve your problem.

                Nankumar SeewdatNankumar Seewdat

                  *Canadians* 😉 but yea I really want a manual. anyways, i plan to take out the starter and inspect it next weekend, given the weather. Will it damage anything within a week or is it a serious problem that needs to be looked at asap? and also how come it doesn’t have this problem when its warm?


                    Oops – over here I suppose that’s like calling a Welshman or Scotsman an Englishman…

                    I don’t think it’ll do too much harm if you use it this week, assuming it is the starter.

                    I would attribute the temperature effect to heat expansion.


                      Canooks and Britons exchanging courtesy?

                      But Landrover is right, if it’s a QUICK after engine start grind, it’s likely Bendix not retracting fast enough. What cold has to do with this? Unlike in Brittain, in Canada, cold metal shrinks, not expands. I’d rather contribute it to more viscous lubricant, due to cold T.

                      Also, never forget – this is only wild guess. What may also be going on is simply Bendix free spinning in the air, after it retracted. What damage may it cause? Broken tooth or 2 on flywheel. Busted Bendix. Or both. Bendix is easy job and can be replaced on a good starter. Flywheel – mucho mucho dinero to pull trannie out to get to it. No fun in Canadia*n cold.

                      Nankumar SeewdatNankumar Seewdat

                        oh dear, i really hope the flywheel doesn’t get damaged :(. Now, how do we define “quick”? i can count to about 2 mississipi before the noise goes away. is there a way to link an audio file or even a video?


                          yeah, you put it up on Youtube or Vimeo and post link here. Just shoot a short vid.
                          I sometimes get a whine out of my Ridgeline that sounds like Bendix spin, about same length as yours, but it’s not grind, just whine. No one at RL forum knows what the heck it is, so I simply make sure to let go of the key right on time. That’s why I like Lexus. Can’t overspin starter, it cuts off the very moment engine catches.

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