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  • #873349

      Unable to bleed brake from left rear wheel hub/?????????????????????????Help ??

      Unable to bleed brake after replacing a wheel cylinder on left rear wheel hub. I was told by numbers forum post that this should of been cut and dry. Was tolld bleeding procedure was to bleed the part once it was installed . After first initial attempt while having a 10mm over the bleeder screw and bleeder hose attached to a bottle Following the autozone bleed procedure for wheel cylinder replacement with a one man bleeder..These steps on replacing wheel cylinder in this video of a napa tech—> And using this tech advice on bleeding with bleeder bottle —->

      I tried these steps on replacing the parts listed in video 1 and did video 2 for bleed procedure.

      But I still have no fluid released from rear wheel cylinder.

      tech 1 in video one quoted saying to me in his response to my question Yes it will be the same procedure.
      Car is 1995 sl1 abs delphi vi

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    • Author
    • #873354
      Dave ReuterMechmann

        Did you look at the brake hose? I had a 1993 Chevy pickup that would not bleed the right front caliper. The fitting on the end of the brake hose was so rusted that no brake fluid could get through.


          Your abs might be what I have in mine there different abs brakes made by different manufuctures and years make a difference how to perform bleeding procedure. You had to have all data like me to know your system .


            [quote=”Mechmann” post=180728]Did you look at the brake hose? I had a 1993 Chevy pickup that would not bleed the right front caliper. The fitting on the end of the brake hose was so rusted that no brake fluid could get through.[/quote]
            Fitting looked normal. I had sprayed pb blaster all over the day before . When i took it apart I saw a clear opening for fluid to pass and no rust .

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