
Fuel fouled spark plugs, car not running

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here Fuel fouled spark plugs, car not running

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  • #513607

      My 93 metro 3 cylinder keeps fuel fouling spark plugs. It will run for a little bit, then starts sputtering and dies. I take out the plugs and they are soaked in gas. I have 2 sets of plugs I’m rotating between while it’s still doing this. I don’t want to ruin another good set of plugs.

      It was recently rebuilt, has great compression. I’ve put a new coolant temp sensor on it as well as a fuel pressure regulator diaphragm. It has a new injector.

      I hooked a fuel pressure gauge up to it and it was at 28+ psi running. My factory service manual says it should be 13-20 running.

      Need some help with what to look at next.
      Thanks, Mike

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    • #513725

        Is it possible you’ve installed the wrong FPR or have incorrectly installed it? Check the fuel return line and fuel supply line for any restrictions


          The regulator itself is built into the throttle body and the diaphragm only goes in one way. The spring will not rest on the diaphragm if I flip it.

          What’s the best way to check for a restriction? I took the return line off and blew into it and could hear the gas bubbling in the tank so I think the return line is good.

          R .G.Young,JrR.G.Young,Jr

            ON the fuel pressure problem, Celticbhoy may have something there, with the wrong FPR. my thoughts were that the FPR msy have the wrong spring, thus creating to much pressure. another thought also, did you check the ignition coil to be sure your getting the correct amount of voltage from it.also I would check to see if the engine is staying in open loop all the time,( Ive seeen cts changed before that didn’t work correctly, easy to check with a DVOM)(Not always the sensor, could be resistance in the circuits) and or if the O2 sensor is staying lean all the time.Either one of these or a combination of any of these could contribute to your problem. Keep posting and Good Luck


              I’ll have to check out the coil.

              The car was running fine, then started idling poorly and stalling out when it got warm. Then it wouldn’t start. Now it’s fuel fouling plugs and not running. The car ran great for months so I’m sure the regulator and spring are the right pieces.

              R .G.Young,JrR.G.Young,Jr

                Another thought came to mind, after checking the coil, two other areas of contention, may be that the map sensor is out of range, can check with a DVOM and a hand held vacumm pump, and another, you may want to check the timing belt to just be sure that everthing is alaigned properly.when you change the plugs out,how long will it run correctly before trouble developes, or is it continuous?

                college mancollege man

                  Your fuel pressure is to high. check that vacuum is being
                  applied to the FPR or the line is not split.


                    I tried looking in my factory service manual but couldn’t find the specific voltage for my map sensor. I unplugged it and the car ran much worse.

                    When I change out the plugs it will run for maybe 1 or 2 minutes and then start idling poorly and die.

                    The timing belt is dead on, I did that myself when I rebuilt it. And double and triple checked it. It ran great after the rebuild for about a month until this current problem

                    R .G.Young,JrR.G.Young,Jr

                      did you ever get the coil checked. also please recheck the CTS With a dvom and a thermometer.we need to know for sure that these two components are working properly and in the right range.(specifications should be in your manual), also you may want to check that the injector you replaced is the right one. different injectors have different flow rates. keep testing, and keep posting.

                      You may want to take the CTS out and heat the tip while watching it on a DVOM to be sure it will Change. there is a direct correlation with tempature and resistance with this this point we can’t leave anything to chance. also check the voltage coming to it and the return signal for the correct voltage drop verses temperature. your manual should show the resistance at each temp reading. measure the base of the sensor to determine the temp and check to see if the resistance is correct to the temp range..


                        Someone on a geo specific forum suggested I connect a clear line to my fuel return and check for bubbles which may be signs of a struggling pump. Sure enough there were tons of bubbles. So currently I am going to replace the fuel pump, filter and clean out the tank. (I can guarantee that they are the original 20 year old equipment so they definitely need to be checked out.)

                        college mancollege man

                          check to see that the return line is not restricted or pinched.


                            Well when I took the return line off I could easily blow into it and hear gas in the tank

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