
FORD Factory “crimped on” Hose Clamps – What Now?

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here FORD Factory “crimped on” Hose Clamps – What Now?

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  • #654064
    Gene KapoleiGene

      OK, the last part of my heater core job on my 1995 Taurus GL, 3.0L, U engine is replacing the 20 yo hoses that are all swollen and in some cases leaking. Simple enough of a job, except I see something I have never seen before and not sure what to do about it?

      Instead of hoses all the way, Ford has metal pipes part way and then rubber hoses at the ends. The old hoses appear to be permanently affixed to the metal pipe with some kind of “crimped on” fitting or “hose clamp. Is there a tool to take these off? Can the underlying metal pipes be reused?

      Appreciate the help and guidance from this forum! It has been invaluable in helping me get many projects done!

      One more time?

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    • Author
    • #654068
      Brandon WilsonBrandon Wilson

        I’ve always been told that the entire lentgh of metal and rubber hose needs to be replaced. That this connection is permanent. But I’ve been wrong before, thats just what I’ve been told and how I’ve done it in the past.

        Andrew ButtonAndrew Button

          Right ,that is a hydraulically crimped hose thats non serviceable. Looks like the whole thing has to be replaced.


            Aaahhh, yes, indeed, one pic is worth hundred words, right, mate? Yes, you replace entire assy. Pipe and hose. Welcome to Ford world. The way you had it described it sounded like cramp on clamps.
            Gods, that’s why I love Hondas. All you need is about 3 sockets. Well, small hands too, yet…


              Trying to remember what the hell was that totally dumb rusted pipe I had to replace on my Taurus, when I found coolant leak. Instead of running a regular hose with clamps, morons had to design a L-shaped LONG pipe coming all around the engine block, inserted into it for about 3 inches, with 2 O-rings to “seal” it. Engine vibration of course moved it in place, resulting in leak.
              Actually, just remembered a dumber thing. Coolant hose on Eclipse, running approximately 3/4 of an inch RIGHT ABOVE the exhaust manifold. That hose bubbled in about every 10 000 miles from heat.
              I am actually very grateful to Ford for that Taurus. It was worth 2 yr technical college education, with all hands on experience I had from it.

              Gene KapoleiGene

                Good Golly! I thought I had replied to this thread with the fix! Must be getting old!

                Thanks again to all who helped with advice!

                Bottom line – no need to replace everything – just cut those factory crimped on “clamps” off and install the new rubber hoses with band clamps. I went to the expense of buying ONE new metal pipe and when I compared it to the old pipe – it was the same! Could not return the new pipe so installed it.

                Here is how I accomplished the task. Aren’t Dremel’s wonderful?


                  I think Ford figured that the metal lines would rust out before the rubber would start leaking. That’s usually the case but if you’re sure the metal lines are worth saving you can do as CanDo807 suggested. I think the effort that CanDo807 with the pics and all to help deserves an applause and an increase in Karma..

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