
Ford f150 Speedometer will not work

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here Ford f150 Speedometer will not work

  • Creator
  • #543759
    Michael Brueckner

      Have changed trans speed sensor.

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    • Author
    • #543766
      college man

        what year is the truck? does the odometer
        work? check engine light on? post codes.

        Michael Brueckner

          Odometer works, 2001 ford XLT 4.6 engine have changed the trans speed sensor and have taken the cluster apart too. All that stuff in there is solid state how would that go bad? But everything goes bad sooner are later. I wonder if a person can take the speedometer out of a junkyard one, you still would have your mileage.
          Talk to me let me know what you think>>>

          Michael Brueckner

            No chech engine light no codes


              does this truck have the sensor on the rear diff on the top?
              some fords reference that for the speedo.

              Michael Brueckner

                No it is on the side of transmission driver side all ready changed that.

                Some body get a hold of eric I need to know the info on how to check this thing out.

                MJB here.

                college man

                  with a scan tool.see if when you read live data you can
                  see the vehicle speed. if you can replace the cluster with
                  a salvage unit. if not seen wiring issue.

                  Michael Brueckner

                    Collage Man I thank you for your interest but all I have is a ohm meter. This is what I am going to do

                    next. I will take the front gages off and see if I am getting any volts there is four pins that control the speed (not ask me how)but I’ll let you know what I get out of it.

                    Can Eric help me in this I have only been a member for four days.

                    Collage man is there a way I can contact Eric the car guy.

                    Its me

                      You can Private Message (PM) Eric, but 98% of all questions people have are usually appropriately answered and diagnosed well by College guy, Wysetech and Wrench turner. ETCG only gets on here and posts once a week or so, so maybe he will address this…

                      What College guy is telling you is good start… Ensure the ECM is getting the proper speed from the sensor…. Yes or no here changes where you have to look next.

                      You can get a decent scanner at HF for around $60 with a coupon… This will give you the live data…and a powerful tool for a long time… Without it, a proper diagnosis is much more difficult.

                      I wish you luck with your diagnosis technique…


                      college man

                        [quote=”mjb41847″ post=70132]Collage Man I thank you for your interest but all I have is a ohm meter. This is what I am going to do

                        next. I will take the front gages off and see if I am getting any volts there is four pins that control the speed (not ask me how)but I’ll let you know what I get out of it.

                        Can Eric help me in this I have only been a member for four days.

                        Collage man is there a way I can contact Eric the car guy.[/quote]

                        Eric is on vacation. I will leave him a message.

                        college man
                          Michael Brueckner

                            This is MJB thought I would give you all an update of how things are going, for people that might have the same problem as I.
                            I have checked the voltage on the tach and speedometer the tach checks 1.2 to 1.6 volts the speedometer checks 1.5 to 1.7 but one pin checks 10.3 volts so what I am Going to do is get a junkyard cluster take the motor out of it and see if that works. But first I’ll see if the junkyard one works in my truck.

                            I’ll let you all know what comes of it.
                            The reason why I did not use a service manual is I am a retired machinist and have NO money to spare.

                            But I do keep up with the truck and car repairs.
                            See all you good people soon…


                              I think you’re on the right track. If the odometer works then the cluster must be getting a signal from the speed sensor.

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