If anyone can help me with this problem I would be very grateful. I change the battery, solenoid and the starter. Sometimes it cranks fine, sometimes it wants to crank partially. See the video of it on YouTube here so you can hear what it sounds like.
[quote=”college man” post=60050]check your starter relay. under the hood[/quote]
The starter relay on Ford’s is sometimes call the solenoid, although on newer (well, less than 20 years old) Ford permanent magnet starters they solenoid is mounted directly on top of the starter motor.
Yes, buy a meter. Even a cheap Harbor Freight one.
You’ll need a friend to help diagnose (or 10′ long arms). With you friend in the seat and you under the hood, put a finger on the starter relay (see picture; mounted close to the batery and connected directly to the battery positive terminal) when your friend cycle the key from ON to START and back. You should feel and hear it go “clunk”. If not, I think you need a new ignition switch.
Once you have confirmed this, use your meter to confirm you have 12V coming out of the relay when the key is in the START position.
If all of these a good, remove the connections at the relay and at the starter, clean with emery cloths and re-assemble.