

  • Creator
  • #508415

      Just want to say I just had a good experience with fix a flat. Got up a few days ago and tire was flat. Filled it up, drove to the gas station and put in some fix a flat. Did some freeway driving to let it set up (as per instruction) and tire has been good ever since 🙂

      What are your thoughts and experiences with fix a flat? I remember one time when it didn’t work, I went to a discount tire place & got a cheap $20 used tire.. well, the tech put it on the tire machine and broke the bead.. and next thing I hear is “BOOM!!” and saw an explosion of fine mist. The tech’s face was covered in fix a flat. He slowly took off his goggles and it left a perfect outline of his goggles on his face. lol.

      Also, as more and more hybrid vehicles hit the road, they will not be carrying spare tires in efforts to reduce weight. Instead, they will come only with tire repair kits that will include fix-a-flat.

      Fix-a-Flat… good or bad?

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    • Author
    • #522595

        It’s garbage and makes a mess. Also the shop I work in, we are not allowed to charge extra. So as a result I hate it.

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