
Fast Blinkers

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  • #848071
    Richard HundleyRichard Hundley

      Both turn signals on my daughters 2007 Pontiac G6 blink fast and have been for over 3 years since we bought the car. ALL lights work. I haven’t made time to repair it yet do to too many honey do’s with 3 women in the house and me. I know there are a lot of variables but I’m assuming I will find a corroded light socket in need of cleaning somewhere down the line. The bulbs are original, not LED’s. Your thoughts??

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    • #848072

        I’d look for a bad ground somewhere. Good luck!

        Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

        Nightflyr *Richard Kirshy

          May possibly be a grounding or voltage issue in the blinker circuit

          none nonenone

            It’s not to say a ground issue wouldn’t cause a fast blink, but it’s not the first place I’d look. Ground issues normally cause back feeding that would also give you other weird symptoms besides fast blinkers.

            In spite of you being sure that all your lights work, fast blinkers would more likely indicate that a bulb is burned out on each side. What can trip you up is the bulb count for each function. There are probably at least two bulbs per side in the tail lights and both would function for running lights, turn signals, and brake lights in each lamp. (It’s a pretty common thing for GM passenger cars.) I’ve seen it mostly in my fleet mechanic days, but it’s not impossible for you to have had an innermost bulb burn out on each side while you’re looking at the ones still working assuming it’s normal.

            Another thing I’ve seen many people miss is the front corner lights. They’re usually the little 194 bulbs. I’ve seen both of them burned simultaneously a thousand times too. They’re usually part of the turn signal circuits too. People never know they actually need to look for a bulb there because the primary turn signal bulb functions as a running too. They’ll alternate flashing with the ##57 bulbs.

            Whether or not it’s a socket issue is a little tricky to address here depending on how accurate your assertion is that all your lights work. If they, in fact, do all work, then a corroded socket can’t be at play. At least not yet anyway. All of your bulbs working proves that point for you.

            Daniel WeithDaniel Weith

              Please find the attached manual for instructions on bulb types.

              none nonenone

                Too bad I didn’t look at a wiring diagram first. I made some bad assumptions for your car, but I’ll leave the other post as is since it’s good advice for a lot of other GM cars.

                I still get to stand firm on powers and grounds being unlikely culprits. Each turn signal bulb gets its own power and ground. I was off on my bulb counts, but there are still smaller marker bulbs at play that could still be overlooked. Sockets faults are still a wild card.

                Richard HundleyRichard Hundley

                  Thank you.

                  Richard HundleyRichard Hundley

                    I really appreciate all your efforts in answering my question. Thank you!!

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