
ETCG Answers Questions Live #25 8/27/2014

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    EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

      I thought this show went well. I just wish I had phrased the comment about tire life differently. Outside of that, I thought it was a good show. What did you think?

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    • #616545

        1990 Accord
        My Honda service manual says to use anti-seize on the spark plugs.
        At the dealership, did you guys use anti-seize on the spark plugs?

        Would like a link to the NGK docs you where talking about in the video.

        Thanks for the video

        Bryan CarterBryan Carter

          [quote=”cb7ftw” post=109680]1990 Accord
          My Honda service manual says to use anti-seize on the spark plugs.
          At the dealership, did you guys use anti-seize on the spark plugs?

          Would like a link to the NGK docs you where talking about in the video.

          Thanks for the video[/quote]

          If you watch the videos on YouTube, instead of on this forum, you’ll see that Eric is very good at including the links to the things he mentions. The NGK link is this one:

          EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

            [quote=”cb7ftw” post=109680]1990 Accord
            My Honda service manual says to use anti-seize on the spark plugs.
            At the dealership, did you guys use anti-seize on the spark plugs?

            Would like a link to the NGK docs you where talking about in the video.

            Thanks for the video[/quote]

            I’ve never seen that listed in a Honda service manual. Is it aftermarket?

            No I’ve never put anti seize on spark plugs at the dealer.

            As for the link, this was also listed in the description of the video.


            Steve WebbSteve Webb

              The show as ever was spot on Eric. 🙂 I enjoy watching this cos it’s like a theory class.

              RE the alignment… as you say, anyone can do this at home with Trammel Gauges but suspension components must be in good order. No point doing an alignment if you got a load of worn out bushes.

              Also I’m thinking chassis twisting (normally due to age) could be a factor. We had a lad at college with a 16 year old car. His rear camber (I think it was this from memory) just wouldn’t come in to spec. It wasn’t adjustable but his suspension components were all new. I’m thinking that unless his subframe was perhaps imperceptibly bent then his chassis was twisted due to the age of the car.

              Your thoughts Eric?


              EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

                [quote=”Webby the Bear” post=109856]The show as ever was spot on Eric. 🙂 I enjoy watching this cos it’s like a theory class.

                RE the alignment… as you say, anyone can do this at home with Trammel Gauges but suspension components must be in good order. No point doing an alignment if you got a load of worn out bushes.

                Also I’m thinking chassis twisting (normally due to age) could be a factor. We had a lad at college with a 16 year old car. His rear camber (I think it was this from memory) just wouldn’t come in to spec. It wasn’t adjustable but his suspension components were all new. I’m thinking that unless his subframe was perhaps imperceptibly bent then his chassis was twisted due to the age of the car.

                Your thoughts Eric?


                Either bent chassis parts as you suggest or some aftermarket parts that don’t quite measure up.


                  DIY alignment – Long, long ago I was involved with “wrenching” for some SCCA race cars. We did the alignments because no shop would let us within a block of the shop with a race car. DIY alignment requires a REALLY FLAT LEVEL surface to do the work. We had a good place to pour an “alignment pad” where we worked.

                  Miguel ConstancioMiguel Constancio

                    Hey I wanted to comment on the tire question. It surpises me that you dont know that much about the lifespan of a tire but to answer that guys question it is absolutley the worst idea to use a tire that is 20-25 years old. I used to work at a very successful tire shop and I cant speak for other states but at least here in texas we are legally not even allowed to look at a tire if it is 10 years old and I also think that your car wont pass inspection if the tires are 10 years or older. There was actually a lawsuit that affected the entire company where someone died because someone was allowed to leave with tires that were older than 10 years and exploded after being informed of the danger. Because the structural integrity of the material and the belts is questionable at best at 10 years old even if it has never been used there is a possibility that the tire will blow up in your face if you even try to air it up. Not too long ago My sister wanted to use her full size spare on her jeep instead of replacing a tire. The spare was ten years old and I told her that I would absolutley not let her do that because of the age and condition of the tire. I hope this helps and I’m staying dirty.

                    A toyotakarlIts me

                      [quote=”JohnnyPark” post=110586]Hey I wanted to comment on the tire question. It surpises me that you dont know that much about the lifespan of a tire but to answer that guys question it is absolutley the worst idea to use a tire that is 20-25 years old. I used to work at a very successful tire shop and I cant speak for other states but at least here in texas we are legally not even allowed to look at a tire if it is 10 years old and I also think that your car wont pass inspection if the tires are 10 years or older. There was actually a lawsuit that affected the entire company where someone died because someone was allowed to leave with tires that were older than 10 years and exploded after being informed of the danger. Because the structural integrity of the material and the belts is questionable at best at 10 years old even if it has never been used there is a possibility that the tire will blow up in your face if you even try to air it up. Not too long ago My sister wanted to use her full size spare on her jeep instead of replacing a tire. The spare was ten years old and I told her that I would absolutley not let her do that because of the age and condition of the tire. I hope this helps and I’m staying dirty.[/quote]

                      Interesting… can you provide a link which shows that it is illegal to even look at tires over 10 years old in Texas?

                      Also, any link about the lawsuit about letting someone leave without buying new tires? I can understand if there was a safety inspection done and they missed it, or possibly if it was not annotated on the service order, but how do you compel someone to buy new tires? So does this mean any technician in Texas can “deadline” a vehicle for bad tires and not allow the owner to leave with their car until they buy new(er) tires…. Wow!!

                      All that should be necessary in order to CYA is that it is annotated on the service order that the customer was informed and refused new tires… but you can sue anybody for anything…. doesn’t mean they will win….

                      Interesting laws you have there in Texas…


                      Miguel ConstancioMiguel Constancio

                        There is the link for the lifespan. It wasnt illegal to inspect them according to federal law but company policy and manufacturer policy says we couldnt do it. As far as the lawsuit went it was because the car wasnt theirs. A manager from another business gave the employee the car to take to the shop. The manager said they were willing to buy tires but needed to get the money so the employee left to get the money. The lawsuit was over letting the employee leave before putting on the tires even thought they hadnt paid yet because of the saftey issues. The company is known to give rides to customers if they cant use their cars which is what the big deal was. As a sde note I never heard how the case ended.
                        I found nothing on the inspection so im probably wrong about it. But it would make common sense that if the manufacturer says the lifespan of the tire is 10 years that the state would consider it dangerous to use tires older than that, but again im probably wrong.

                        Miguel ConstancioMiguel Constancio

                          Oh I should also say that you can leave if the tires are that old but we wont service them much less inspect them. We can recommend new tires and inform you that the manufacturer recommends new tires but you can still drive away. There was the lawsuit because I think they serviced the tire before the employee left… I think. this is all stuff in the back of my head I apologize.

                          A toyotakarlIts me

                            I completely agree about the concern of old tires(no matter how good they look)… I am pretty anal about tires as well… So much so that when the family gets together I always look at the condition of everyone’s tires and let them know if I see an issue…

                            Thanks for the clarification..


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