
Error on ‘Purchasing a VManual’ Page

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  • #855421

      During my venture in purchasing a premium subscription and some vmanuals, I came across a few errors on this page:
      Purchasing a VManual

      I didn’t read through the entire page as it is a lot to take in at once, but this is just what I found when getting the information I needed. See below the screenshot with red underlining. At first I didn’t realize the listed pricing was actually an error until I went to the PayPal screen 😆

      Also, after payment for premium subscription and returning from PayPal, there is no displayed discount code. I believe it just redirected me to my premium section of the site, but there was definitely no code. This I later found out was actually e-mailed to me and did work for purchasing VManuals.

      The last thing at the end is not an error but more of an inconvenience I guess. It really isn’t that big of a deal but it would be nice to be able to apply the discount code to all of the cart items for a single transaction instead of multiple transactions which required signing into PayPay each time.

      I am VERY pleased with my purchases, in fact I am well into a timing belt/water pump/tensioner/seals replacement on my dads car and oddly enough just so happens to be the exact car in the video (’02 Civic D17A1). And also oddly enough, my car happens to be the same as the engine replacement video on the D16Y8, but a ’99, so it has been a good experience for me so far. 🙂

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    • #855427
      EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

        Thanks for pointing this out. I’ve notified the developer to make the proper changes.

        Wyatt TalleyWyatt Talley

          ok its fixed. sorry about the error. thanks for letting us know.


            I found another pricing discrepancy, but this time in the 5 day premium renewal e-mail. That $1.99/year sounds like a great deal to me. Wish I had that! 😉

            Also, I noticed at the bottom you have two lines directing to support. Just thought it was odd. :silly:

            Wyatt TalleyWyatt Talley

              Its been taken care of. as for the support email we want to make sure that if you have issues like this you report it to the support email and not places like the forum lol.

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