
Engine swapping a sunfire

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  • #468451

      I have been contemplating on an engine swap for my 99 sunfire gt. I don’t know what engine(s) would “fit” without heavy mods to motor mounts or the engine bay. Also I have no idea aside from the obvious parts like, engine, trans, ecu, and wiring harness, on what else I would need or the cost outside of those parts. Also does anyone think it would be worth the time and money? I guess in Eric’s words I want to make a slow car fast instead of a fast car faster! 😉 opinions please?

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    • #468479

        In my opinion it’s not worth it. Sell the car and buy something with potential. Just my 2 cents.


          Ya I know it really wouldn’t be worth it, but I plan on keeping this car for as long as I can and I want to have a “project” car. Seeing as I already have this one and there isn’t anyone in the area I live in that has modified a sunfire I really want to do this. I’ve seen a lot of modified cavaliers and the are pretty close in layout as the sunfire, so I figured that it could potentially be an easy mod…over time.


            From just browsing, it seems you could possibly swap in a Grand Am engine. I would look into Pontiac forums for more information if I were serious.

            About the swap itself- I would ask myself if the time and money is worth it. I would advise against doing it to a daily driver.


              speed takes money…….how fast you wanna go? but seriously I’ve always kinda thought it be neat to throw in a LS engine or possibly a Monte Carlo Engine in a J-body….just for the plain and simple thought that it’d be a ultimate sleeper, no one expects one to be fast


                My thoughts exactly! Ultimate sleeper that is rear wheel drive with 400+ horses under the hood…I’m thinking turbos also, lol!


                  why not go all out and supercharge it 😀


                    More of a turbo guy. 😉

                    I want top end speed. Going for the one mile drag versus the quarter mile, lol!


                      whatever trips your trigger! I’m more of a all-motor guy, but I just threw out the supercharge option


                        Making your DD a project car is a no-no. You have the DD, now go find a project car with more potential.


                          Why is a daily driver a no-no for a project? Jw


                            [quote=”viper1230″ post=41068]Why is a daily driver a no-no for a project? Jw[/quote]

                            You’re bound to run into problems with a swap– whether expected or unexpected.

                            Most people wouldn’t want that downtime with their daily driver. With that, you also have to consider reliability.


                              Because your DD is your money maker, and you aren’t making money if your DD is undriveable because you got way over your head on something.


                                A project car is way more fun when you can leave it apart and still have another car to get you from a to b.

                                Plus, if you’re into GM, check out an ls1 or lt1 car. They are getting pretty cheap and fall more in line with “make a fast car faster”.


                                  well my opinion is just as long as its not a f-in honda….

                                  i would look into what engines would fit.. being a sunfire i dont think it would be very many…. just keep the current engine and mod like crazy

                                  good luck
                                  ps im starting my project next month…. a 97 cavalier


                                    I know the 3.4 V6 will fit. The 3.8 V6 series 2 with or without the supercharger will fit with some work to the motor mounts. The 3.8 with the supercharger is what I would probably get. Then I would rebuild from the bottom up with stronger internals and swap out the supercharger with a single turbo…that’s a money no option kinda thing tho. Cheaper way that would work at this moment is to take out a 2.4 DOHC from a junk cavalier or sunfire and rebuild from bottom up and put a turbo on that. Also rebuild trans due to a bad second gear synchro and make it limited slip with stronger axles and stage 3 clutch and a short throw shifter. I priced it out to be somewhere around 5k before tuning. That also doesn’t include some labor on some things that I wouldn’t be able to do.

                                    What are your plans on your cavalier ekalb1027?

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