
Electrical problem

  • Creator
  • #844382
    Michael SacksteinMichael Sackstein

      Hey Eric,
      Looks like you didn’t get to this question last night, but my brother’s 2006 Honda Pilot Ex 4wd seems to be having an on going problem with burning out both headlights, taillights, and dash lights. Usually takes about a few months or so after replacement before they go out again but I have had to replace the headlights and taillights a few times already, and they’re kind of expensive so this is a burden. I was also thinking about upgrading the headlights to either HIDs or LEDs, not really sure which yet but also wanted to get your opinion on which you think would be a better fit? I never really cared for the intensity of the stock headlights much and I think this would be a nice upgrade. Obviously before I make such an upgrade I would like to sort out this issue with the bulbs burning out all the time, because I do not wanna be replacing those new expensive bulbs. thanks

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    • Author
    • #844394
      college mancollege man

        Check for either over or under volt condition. check wiring/fuse panel for overheating.
        Are you using quality bulbs.

        Michael SacksteinMichael Sackstein

          Hey Sorry I haven’t gotten back to you. Honestly, no I haven’t really been using that great a bulb quality. Just the basic Sylvania ones. But I am seriously considering upgrading to the motorfiend 4,300k hid kit. Never really been a fan of the stock headlights on Hondas, they just always seemed kinda dull. As I was saying though before I do such an upgrade I do wanna determine if there is a short somewhere or something similar beforehand. Scotty Kilmer also suggested checking the connectors and using some di-electrical grease. I will check for voltage as well as burned out fuses. Hopefully it’s something simple like better quality lights and not something complex.

          college mancollege man

            Also check grounds are tight and clean.

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