
electrical issue

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  • #611733

      Hi guys I got a problem that’s driving me crazy trying to figure out
      I have a 2007 Chevrolet cobalt and my windshield washer motor is not getting
      any power to it here is what I have tried so far checked wiper fuses changed out relays
      changed wiper switch on steering column also had a friend help me push the sprayer button while I kept backtracking wires checking for power and cant find power on the 2 wires going to pump plug in any help will be greatly appreciated

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    • Author
    • #611745

        How far have you gone back in checking the wiring?

        The last time I read of a problem exactly like yours (no power to the washer pump and a sound switch) the guy found there was a break in the wire inside the wiring harness.


          I have gone as far to the bottom of the fuse box as I can testing
          only fuse or relay says wiper and nothing in the onwers manual tells me
          wich fuse it may work off of but all are good in my box both under hood and in car


            You may need to get a wiring diagram for your vehicle, and start following the wires to see what is going on.

            XXXXX WPR FUSE 15 in the dash fuse block should be the one that powers the washer pump. If that fuse is good, but you aren’t getting power at the pump, then you need to test at the switch, and see if the switch is sending the proper signal.

            The washer function also goes through the BCM, so you will need to test wires from the switch to the BCM for continuity, and from the BCM to the washer pump as well. If all wires test properly, and the switch is sending the signal properly, then you may have a problem with the BCM.

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