
electric windows

  • Creator
  • #880139
    dripper mockingbirddripper

      have a 1999-jeep cherokee electric windows want go up all the time.i can hit a bump in the road or railroad track and they start back to working. then they stop again. any idea.

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    • Author
    • #880142
      Nightflyr *Richard Kirshy

        I might start looking for a faulty / loose switch contact.

        Monty HowardMonty Howard

          Thinking on the same lines of NIGHTFLYR, if all your windows are being affected at the same time you might want to take a look at the master control switch for all windows (on drivers side door). There may be a common ground on the switch assembly that is loose, maybe the all window lockout is engaged. Could be a broken wire or might be corrosion forming in an area common to all windows.

          I would say look for things that are common to all the windows if you can go over a bump and suddenly everything (all your windows) start to operate correctly. Things like a loose or corroded fuse, even a loose wire in the fuse box could be culprit. Wish I had an electrical diagram for window control in the Cherokee, it would be easier to point out the common areas. What you are describing is electrical in my opinion.


            Pull back the protective cover on the wires inside the door jamb on the driver’s door and perform a visual inspection. 9/10, especially on an older vehicle, an intermittent door related electrical issue is usually cracked wire insulation where the door opens.

            Wyr TwisterWyr Twister

              If this happens often and it is a bad switch , might try disconnecting 1 switch at a time to try to determine which switch is defective .

              Once you get to that point , might try electrical contact cleaner if the switch does not appear to be physically broken .

              God bless

              dripper mockingbirddripper

                think dafirnz man it was a broke wire in the booth on driver side save me some money. that I don’t have thank again.

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